Putting my money where my mouth is...

Hey Again, Steemitizens!

My followers know by now that i've had a pretty busy day of posting and commenting going on. One of my busiest yet on steemit to be honest and I didn't really expect today's fairly mundane, mostly opinionated or personal interest posts to get so much traction and response! I hit some nerves I guess, and maybe the wine post touched some drunks HAHA :D Who really knows how all this works anyway, right?

But I know one thing I'm kind smug about right now. I've been doing some pretty heavy preaching about behavior and results here on steemit in the last week or so. Multiple posts and rants on the topic. Figured I was damning myself with the community in some ways with them, but full steem ahead was my style way before I got to steem, so no reason to be different now, eh?

Today is my 15th day since my registration here became active. 15 days of nearly 24 hour a day attention to this site, the related tools and sites in the eco-system and steemit.chat and discord, of course as well.

I sleep now in two hour naps once or twice a day, because this is the dreem I waited for my entire life since my first BBS call on my first TRS-80 in the mid 1980's. A place full of smart people, where it was possible to actually do what I am best at, writing, and tech, and share them and life in general ranging from blackberry wine making lessons I post to reasons why one crypto coin is better than another. Just ... everything! All in one! with a paycheck! (Not my biggest motivator at all, but I would be remiss to omit it too!)

Anyway, brag time. Today, on day 15 I hit TWO milestones.

The first milestone is:
500 followers about ten minutes ago!!!!


I'm humbled, flattered, amused, surprised and kinda proud of myself too! (Is that so wrong? )

I am only writing most of what I do, because I care about YOU and this PLACE too!

The second milestone is:
Reputation 50 (actually 51 now!)

I talk the talk to minnows like me in my posts, but I walk the walk I preach and it works, and anyone can do what I've done. Seriously ANYONE. I continue to post what I do and how, to grow quickly and solidly with a REAL following and not some hyped up, gamed up stupid unsustainable approach to building and joining in the community around me.


That's all I really wanted to say. and it was fun, so I think I will say it again!


Thanks to all my followers, #MinnowSupportNetwork, P.A.L. (and @randowhale!)

So excited for the next half century of my life here on STEEMIT.COM!

I love you Steemit!

"All my love, all my kisses, [I] didn't know what [I'd] been missin' Oh BOY!"
"Tonight, There'll be no hestitatin'!"

You may not realize this, but not only do I live off grid in a rural area, but the town is TINY and I only have one real offline friend I hang out with who works very hard so at best we get to shoot pool at the moose lodge once or twice a month and sometimes catch up on a weekend evening for a couple beers and talk about race cars and hotrods.... So that means this is why i am usually here on steemit, or where I used to be on those antique social toys that came before this. And that means, I kinda live for our interactions, my only intellectual stimulus around here. My cats and dogs don't read much and they are skeptical of crypto so I can barely talk to them about my passions...

Anyway, thank the lord you guys and gals are here to talk to! I'd go bat shit crazy with out you. And random trivia, but "bat shit" crazy actually has its roots in a real bat shit borne illness. Look it up! Now you know!

Cheers to all of you on the journey with me.

We go together, or we die alone.


And just like that, post #1649 in 15 days, is done!


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