Taking time to Appreciate other Bloggers and What I Learned

It has been several days since I posted anything. I've been taking time to read what other bloggers have to say, learning more about Steemit, commenting on some really interesting stuff and interacting with some really great people.


Blogging with a PUNCH

Blogging is supposed to be fun and a way to express yourself and your creativity, and also to build community with people. Blogging on Steemit does give it the extra punchIMG_6606.JPG because of rewards and awards. It gives people more incentive to put themselves and their craft out there.

Being a newbie to Steemit i have become very passionate about the platform. It has such great potential for all sorts of unheard voices and unrecognized artists and whatnot.

What I Learned

I do have to say that there is some really good content out there. Some really good writers that you can tell that they make the extra effort to put quality content out there. Some open their whole world to you while others choose to give you bits and pieces of their world. Either way, being an introvert at heart, I think it is very brave to open your heart and experiences on any level to the world.

if there's one thing I learned from purusing Steemit is that that the amount of followers and what's in the wallet really doesn't measure the quality of the posts and it's content most of the time. The reason I say most of the time is because wallets and earnings didnt often reflect the worth of the blogger. Some are rewarded really well while others not so much.

While most certainly some wallets did reflect their worth in quality content, I did noticed however that there were two distinct differences between the quality content blogger that reflected its worth vs the same quality that didn't.

The bloggers with more rewards...

  1. had build up their followers. (there were plenty of blogs and posts that teach you how to gain followers)

2 they were consistent in posting quality content.

Another thing I noticed, but didn't apply to all such cases, is that authors that have great rewards, their blogs more or less have lots of different editing, different headers and styles and some even imbed their signature identity within the post. I was really inspired by those blogs to learn the how tos and ins and outs of how to creat that sort of masterpiece.

My one message to all bloggers out there. Don't give up. Your doing great! Keep posting but try to build community with followers. I think that will pay off in the end. But do have fun!!

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