STEEMION-The android version of steemit..

As steemit spreads its wings, more and more people are joining the community everyday..People are more and more involved in trying to post valuable contents... Its not a secret that facebook, LinkedIn, twitter are clear leaders now... But its just a matter of time.. Soon steemit will topple all of them, and will be growned the undisputed king...But we do require some light software in our mobile to continue our endeavor anytime, anywhere we want... And its already up for grab though in the early testing phase..
Yes, we have an android version of steemit in playstore - STEEMION.. Presently its unstable... But soon it will be released... Lets find out how it will look...
Hers are some screenshots..

Inside the app

But here is a catch. You have to login without pass as debugging process is going on. Only you can have a overview of your account.

Also new featured would be ended before the final release.

You can download the unreleased version from playstore..Just have a feel and steem on....

Thankyou for reading..If find it informative please upvote.. Follow me @shibayan for more updates....

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