Explaining the ShadowBot system!

Many people are curious and we have been evolving over the last 100 days but we have a solid system now and we are going to explain exactly how we work!

ShadowBot operates on a pool mentality, this requires a unique balancing act. Those at the top need to "feed" the bottom and the bottom can never give back enough to equal it. THAT is what makes ShadowBot unique. We are NOT a vote for vote bot. This is much bigger. A minnow with amazing content can see their Shadow Rank increase far higher than others of similar SP and begin to earn far more from other members of ShadowBot because of their increased Shadow Rank.

This system specifically is designed to reward GOOD authors and punish those who attempt to abuse the system by forcing them to up vote others in the pool before receiving any big rewards from the pool. The larger SP Shadow Casters are able to vote with fractional power while the lower SP Shadow Casters "return the favor" to those larger "dolphins" and "whales" by up voting their posts at 100%. This is what leads to the FVL (Fractional Voting Level) and SD (Shadow Divider):

As we scale the FVL and SD will increase.. It is the only way we can balance things fairly for everyone. It is like inflation, if you do well you beat it, if you try to cheat you loose completely and if you are mediocre you just keep steady earning.. ShadowBot is about rewarding the BEST content and boosting all members, not just the top.

Read more here: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/faq.php#what-is-the-fractional-voting-threshold

It is an internal feature that is crucial to ensuring we can scale to 1,000s of members one day. Each member can only use so much VP each day, managing that is crucial while ensuring everyone gets fairly voted on.. This is why we use Shadow Rank combined with Fractional Voting Threshold and the Shadow Divider. I hope that makes a little more sense. Remember Shadow Rank is updated every Sunday at Midnight (eastern) which allows those who are performing beyond their current earning level to get a Shadow Rank boost!

I hope this helps clear things up a little for everyone who was slightly confused about how our system is designed to work! We will continue to publish more information as we expand to allow everyone to understand every aspect of what we have and what we are creating!

Thanks everyone that is part of ShadowBot and happy Steeming! As always share comments/questions and any features you wish to see with us! Your input and support is what makes this all possible!

More Information

Previous Release: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shadowbot/shadowbot-100-days-on-steemit-welcome-to-tartarus-shadowbot
Signup/Login: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/login.php
FAQ: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/faq.php

Current Stats

Total Shadow Casters: 560
Pool Steem Power: 249,230
Total Shadow Rewards: 6,290.13139711 SBD
Past Week Shadow Rewards: 1,632.16698067 SBD

Example of distributions:

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