Heeeyyy!!!! πŸ–πŸ½ Everyone. Learn how actresses and actors start out in their journey with me, its been very lonely and i'd love to share it with you all..so sorry I've been gone in like..for everrr BUT no need to fear!! The Mothership Galexxi is back in action lol. so while I've been gone I have been taking up time Acting and Modeling, and a bit of dancing on the side with small gigs here and there that I would like to share with you all during my journey..

Hey! enough of this typing stuff, I wish we could just fast toward in time to holograms already! lol But check out this Dramatic Monologue that I made for the very first time. I will be posting more and please please pleeeaaassee reach out to me! and let me know how it is or what you think about it. I'm always open to new ideas ☺️

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