Steemigram : automatically post from Instagram to Steemit !

One billion

One billion active Instagram accounts as in June '18. This is just huge, and we'd love to see the Steemit community grow this way. But now just imagine Instagramers could cross-post their pictures on the Steem blockchain and make money with it. You read well : easily make money with their Instagram pictures.

From Instagram to Steemit

The main problem is the lack of sharing capabilities from one to another. Today, this problem is ancient history. With a simple Steemconnect login, for a better security, you will be able to automatically share your Instagram posts to Steemit. Here is Steemigram.

Meet Steemigram

We are pleased to introduce Steemigram, a new service that will allow you to automatically share your Instagram pictures to Steemit. This is a nice way for you to get rewards without having to post on many platforms. And it will be a nice way to get new users on the Steem blockchain. Who wouldn't love to make money with content they publish ?


How does it work ?

Without entering the details, the user just have to log in our service thanks to Steemconnect, indicate the Instagram username he wants to link, and define a title for his Instagram feed. Next, he will just have to use the #steemigram tag on his Instagram posts, and they will be cross-posted automatically on Steemit.

The Steemit post will have as title the name of the Instagram feed, and will display, in addition of the picture, the description and a link to his official Instagram feed. The 5 first tags on the Instagram post will be converted to Steemit tags (the following ones will be added to the description).

Note that the creators will take a 10% fee on the rewards. After all, any work deserves to be paid...

Why not use Steepshot ?

For sure, Steepshot is a great app, and I recommend it for someone who doesn't have an Instagram account yet. But there are millions of accounts with hundreds, thousands of followers. Would you give up such an account, and restart from zero, just to use a decentralized app ? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't. That's why we created Steemigram : help people discover the power of the blockchain in an easy way.

You don't have a Steemit account yet ? Why register ?

The answer is quite simple, yet you have to know how Steemit works : as you post content, other users give you upvotes (as likes on Facebook or Instagram). The main difference with the usual social networks is that those upvotes are converted to STEEM, a cryptocurrency. You can save these rewards to get more influence, or convert them into FIAT currencies. But you have to know the more you save, the more you may earn. All you have to do is go social : upvote other people's posts, comment, and they will do the same for you, if they like your content !

With this service, you just continue to post on Instagram as you did before. But be aware that if you want people to upvote your pictures (and therefore give you money), you will have to interact with them. Then, you will understand the power of the Steem blockchain, and get a new way of creating and consuming media on the Internet.

You can click this link to get your account.

What's next ?

The first goal is to release Steemigram officially, and improve stability and sustainability of the service. And I'm pretty sure people will give us some new ideas to add to the service.

We will also set up a curation trail to maximize Instagramers gains. And we will do our best to upvote every picture that will be posted when our SP allows us to. Of course, a help is needed to help us give a higher vote. You can follow the curation trail or delegate some SP. You'll be noticed when the curation trail will be effective.

So, enjoy Steemigram, and see you soon for the next news.
@sebbbl and @algo.coder.

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