Free Worldwide Education to Solve ALL of Humanity’s Problems


Originally published at SEBASTIAN.CO

The problem: People are being taught what the government and special interests want them to learn, and not what is best for the student.

Some of the problems with public education:

  • Government decides what people learn and not learn.
    • Including: Hiding/Rewriting history, mandating pointless subjects/projects, distracting with wasteful/meaningless activities, promoting political agendas that destroy the individual/family/values, promoting political agendas that promote government obedience and dependency, dumbing-down things to create gullible/naive citizens, etc.
  • For anyone who has experienced public education in the U.S., you know that it is a jail-like environment, where no values are taught to avoid “offending anyone” (in the name of “political correctness,” “equality,” and other misleading labels), where the school staff only cares about passing government exams, which allows them to keep their jobs + perks, where students are given choices of junk food to destroy their health and cultivate bad (but profitable to the special interests) lifetime habits, where fights constantly break out and division is encouraged whether by political concepts or by omission of uniting concepts, where the majority of the staff is left-leaning (on purpose no doubt), where students leave as empty vessels having learned nothing useful to deal with the real world, where students only aspire to be employees for the special interests who love dumb, obedient and cheap labor, where students vote for government ever-expanding power and control over them under misleading labels like “for your security” or “because is your human right,” labels fabricated by clever propagandists in government and special interests. The question to always ask is: Who benefits? Clearly, the students are the biggest losers in public education.
  • Public education is extremely wasteful; bad employees are difficult to fire and have little incentives to provide a good education; employees just follow a government mandated curriculum, which revolves around passing meaningless government tests/exams so the principal and staff get government rewards. Politicians also get to decide who gets the contracts for construction, supplies, food, maintenance, and so on (their friends or their interests no doubt), among other similar issues involving agendas and deep corruption. Lastly, public education evolves extremely slowly, even more so with new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, where it will become even more obsolete and wasteful.
  • Final note on public education: Public education, like all government institutions, should be structured assuming people are corrupt, can be corrupted, or can be threatened/blackmailed (i.e. accounting for the human condition); only when institutions account for the human condition, will they actually serve the best interests of the student, who doesn’t deserve to the trash adults of today have created. As for the current structures of our public institutions, it is safe to assume they will only get worse and more wasteful, despite incredible leaps in technology, which should eliminate (in an ideal world) a chunk of the public sector, and allow the private sector to fill in if there are any gaps left.

Some of the problems with private education:

  • In countries where public education is the standard, private education is very expensive for most people to afford.
  • In countries where private education is the standard, private education tends to be very cheap and far superior than public education in the U.S., but it is still unaffordable for most people, in particular the ones who need it the most, the poor and disempowered all over the world. If third world countries had access to the best education worldwide for free, they would stop being third world countries within a generation. The people there, the individuals, would clearly benefit incredibly; the only losers would be governments and special interests. And those are very good things indeed. Empower the people, disempower the government is the goal here, let’s be clear.
  • Because of the purposeful destruction of the family and American values over generations in the U.S. by government and its special interests, it has become very difficult to homeschool kids and avoid the trash education in the public system. The current economic and cultural system requires/promotes both parents to always be working and paying taxes to the benefit of the government (and special interests of course); divides women and men (the traditional and natural family for the survival of the species) as much as possible; promotes divorce and punishes marriage by favoring women in courts and so on, leading to a parentless middle class who will disappear within a generation, leaving behind a wave of dependents (the poor) on government (the rich) and rampant socialism (run and promoted by the rich); emasculates men whose natural role is to protect the structure of society so we can all enjoy our freedoms, which makes society vulnerable to stronger (usually foreign) and intolerant/dumber men, who are looking to take over weak societies and instill their foreign values on the weak tolerant society, which puts men and mostly women and minorities at risk of losing many of the freedoms they enjoy, which they unironically typically use to weaken the men for their own, eventual, self-destruction (as programmed by government/special-interests); among other troubling aspects that cultural Marxism brings with it, as it hides behind misleading innocent-sounding labels like “equality,” “human rights,” and “free stuff,” to expand its power and control over the population, which makes homeschooling incredibly difficult. Furthermore, homeschooling also carries its own paywalls for content and certifications, which most can’t afford.

The solution: Free worldwide education from preschool all the way to high school; later to be expanded into higher education as well; fully certified with the highest standards worldwide; higher standards than any public or private education in the world, yet free for all. This is a project for the survival and freedom of humanity, a humanity that will not be enslaved by the deception of “socialism”/”globalism”/Marxists which only leads to larger government power and control, which only leads to higher taxes/theft to pay for its public waste/corruption, which only leads to poorer and more dependent societies, which only leads to collapse after a few decades, which only leads to even greater government power and control, as intended by those who promote it. This is a project to empower and create the brightest individuals the world has ever known; principled individuals who will create strong societies, address the human condition found in governments and similar corruptible/unaccountable entities, to advance civilization into a more prosperous and free era, where those who wish to enslave humanity are unable to succeed.

  • Mission: To create the greatest empowered individuals who will lead humanity towards freedom, peace and prosperity for all.
  • Vision: A world where individuals are empowered to help themselves and their communities, without the need of large corruptible/unaccountable entities such as governments; a world which accounts for the human condition, which focuses on empowering the individual, and improving humankind as its side effect.
  • Funding: Funding will be provided by those who share the mission, vision and sentiment; from the private and/or public sector. You can consider this project as an anti-communism project, in pursuit of a free humanity. The project shouldn’t require too much money to create or maintain. An example of expenses would be:
    • Branding, hosting, and fixed necessary expenses.
    • Research, curriculum, content-creation and initial-operations staff.
    • Worldwide regulations, certifications, agreements.
    • Release and initial promotion.
    • Ongoing basic maintenance and updates.
  • Content: From preschool to high school (and higher education as demand increases), the content will aim to create the brightest individuals the world has ever known from scratch. The idea is to research the best methods of learning and the best content to learn to empower individuals as much as humanly possible, for free. The content will promote freedom, values, philosophy and everything that strengthens and empowers the individual to succeed in life and strengthen his/her community. The content will aim to be as simplest to understand as possible; everything unnecessary will be removed, so as to save the student time and look for his/her best interests; no waste or excess, with optional additional information if the student requests it. The content will be shaped for the student and it will always focus on serving the student. The content will be created in a way that the student actually wants to learn the content, allowing for the student to use his/her time and resources as he/she sees fit, allowing them to engage in additional productive activities, such as sports or areas or interests of the student, where he/she can get a rich social experience with other individuals who share the student’s interest, as they will be saving time and resources by avoiding trash public education and the jail-like, destructive/soul-crushing environments in today’s public schools.
  • Copyrights: All the contents of the site will be free to use and reproduce commercially by anyone, for any purpose, unless a strong argument can be made against this, which I can’t think of. The content should spread like a virus, free of censorship, uploaded to the blockchain, decentralized, etc. Anyone should be able to copy it, use it, make money with it, who cares. The content is made for the survival of humanity, regardless of how oppressive governments and special interests, such as Google and big tech get in the future. The content should be future-proof, based on timeless ideas that have withstood the test of time, like self-empowering philosophies like Stoicism. People can decide how they want to implement it. It is intended for a free humanity, and it will be absolutely free, and widely available/easily-downloadable.
  • Staff: Most of the funding will be spent hiring the best staff in the world who can make this project a reality. They will not only make the best unrivaled content the world has ever seen to create the best individuals possible, they will also make the content widely available in multiple languages, formats, and whatever else is needed to develop the best humans the world has seen from scratch, against any and all odds.
  • Promotion: Once completed, this project is to be promoted far and wide, to all humans on Earth. It is to be assumed humanity is fighting for its very existence, cornered by its predator, fighting to live, because it is, and with that urgency is how this education should be promoted, to rid the world of evil and advance humanity to a free era of empowered individuals, who can strive for higher purpose tasks like space travel, new inventions, creative expression, spirituality, happiness and so on.

Conclusion: This project aims to solve all of the problems humanity faces through something as simple as the best education everyone will have access to for free. And while this project is anti-communism in sentiment, it will fully explore communism, its deceptions, its results, and its best pro and counter arguments, as the best education should.

It only takes empowered individuals worldwide to solve all human problems. There is no need for billionaires to come to our aid; so far, they have done very little so solve anything. So much money and so little brains. If anything, most of them are the ones pushing for Globalism, another misleading label for Communism, since Communism thrives in deception. Either these billionaires are idiots, or they’re part of this cancerous evil that exists in the world, and I don’t think they’re idiots.

Regardless, all it takes is the right empowering ideas to bring all oppressive governments and evil people to their knees. All it takes it’s the right education to solve all of humanity’s problems within a generation, rid ourselves of the persistent evil in the world, and construct a world where humanity can advance and pursue its highest aspirations as a civilization, as children of God, as it naturally should.

And while all this might sound idealistic, it is with the very highest ideals this project will be pursued, in order to achieve and surpass its objectives. Humanity will no longer be in the dark nor fall ever again.

The goal of socialism is communism. ― Vladimir Lenin

Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. ― Mao Zedong

You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians, [they were Jews]. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution.’ It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators. ― Alexander Solschenizyn

Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas? ― Joseph Stalin

All people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. ― Six Degrees of Separation Theory

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