Solving this god dam thing!!

So right!! I got this rubix cube for Christmas, now its been sat in my drawer since Christmas when i stumbled upon it yesterday...So me being me thought it would be a good idea to kill a bit of time ill give it a shot.rubix.jpeg

Now what i haven't said yet is that I've been told before that i have a little bit of a addictive personality, I now fully understand what this means.... cant put the bloody thing down..
I got as far as completing one side and the middle which took over 2 god dam fingers are starting to hurt at this that bit mastered now as i had to do it so many more time because i messed the rest up after....
I got smart after that by using YouTube videos

Now it says learn how to do it in 15 mins.. I can now confirm even with this video it took me just over 2 hours to complete it..
I don't like to think i'm slow at picking things up... but by the end of this,,,,I was starting to believe there was something up with me....why cant i do this,,, i kept on asking myself as i was watching a video of a 12 year old teaching me...arghghh...

Well anyway with the help of a bit of patients, addictive personnality and some 12 year old kid, i managed it in under a day...with no breaks between....
There was quite a sense of achievement at this point as i had one as a kid and was never able to do it....I now carry it about in the car just incase i need to get out my party trick....not that i go to many parties lol

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