“Siege, starve, and surrender” - Ongoing Syrian Civil War

Hello Everyone. 

We all have heard about the brutal-ism going on over Syrians for the past two weeks. No food, no shelter, no water and no family.....we can't be able to estimate the pain of Syrians. All we can do is just hope that their suffering ends as soon as possible.

400,000 people in Eastern Ghouta, a city of the Syrian capital of Damascus have been listening Airstrikes, Artillery fire, Cluster and barrel bombs for the past two weeks. Syrian forces have rapidly increased their attacks on the area, which is controlled by the defender forces who for five year have opposed President Bashar al-assad’s rule.  Human rights observers say thousands are injured and more than 500 people — including around 120 children — have died during the uptick in fighting, marking this as one of the bloodiest stretches of the eight-year Syrian civil war.     

 The offensive highlights a grim reality about the current state of the war: Assad is winning and has now turned his attention to retaking parts of the country he lost. Recapturing Eastern Ghouta — an area that lies only 6 miles away from Damascus — is an important part of his push to force the rebels holding the area to surrender once and for all.   

The fighting seems certain to intensify. Last Saturday, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution calling for a 30-day ceasefire in Syria. Two days later, Russian President Vladimir Putin — whose forces back the Assad regime and are the main reason the Syrian ruler is winning the conflict — requested a daily five-hour “humanitarian pause” in the fighting so civilians in Eastern Ghouta could escape the targeted area. More than anything, the attacks show how Eastern Ghouta is the next battlefield in one of the world’s worst civil wars — and just how stunningly bloody the fight will be. This war will definitely put an inerasable dark patch over the Humanity.  Bashar al-Assad wants to recapture each and every square inch of Syrian Territory by leading a brutal campaign across the country – one of the eastern ghouta now faces.  


  Anti-Assad activists also claimed the regime has used chemical weapons, primarily chlorine gas, in recent attacks that on Sunday killed a child. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the world’s chemical weapons watchdog, immediately opened an investigation into the attack.But the Syrian American Medical Society claimed in a February 25 tweet that some of its patients are “suffering from symptoms indicative to exposure to chemical compounds.”     

 Seeing photos of dead children could compel President Donald Trump to choose to strike now, experts noted. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley recalled those images after the UN resolution vote as a way to criticize Syria and Russia for their actions. “How many mothers lost their kids to the bombing and shelling?” she said. “How many more images did we need to see of fathers holding their dead children?   There’s currently no public indication that Trump is considering the use of force. The White House and Pentagon didn’t respond to my questions about potential strikes against Syrian targets. And it’s not clear what other options, if any, are on the table to help stop the bloodshed.    

I hope the murder of innocent beings will be stopped soon and this civil will terminate as soon as possible. Also I hope Syria would recover itself rapidly from this national crisis after the termination of this war.

It's time to save Humanity. It's time save life.
Working against violence and war,
Saurav shah

Also let me know your valuable thoughts and feelings about this war. Thank You.

source: http://activeterium.com/6gJ8  

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