I broke Steemit [Giflog 002]

The day started as usual. Woke up, peed, took a shower...

...and checked the most important news these days.

Yep. Today is gonna be another good day, I thought to myself. But the internet's gods had different plans for me.

Steemit was down and errors evolved like Pokemons.

And when it hit me, I broke Steemit. More specifically, my last Giflog. It contained too much power and swag, too many insane gifs to handle for poor Steemit that is just a few months old.

I had no other way, but to fix what I had broken with the internet's CPR - Refresh button. So I clicked, and clicked, and clicked...

After 937 clicks a miracle happened. Steemit raised like a phoenix from the ashes, like Jesus on Easter Sunday.

As usual, I headed straight for introduceyourself. To my surprise, the Steemit's invasion of hot girls continued. I have a new theory for this phenomenon. But let's leave it for following Giflogs.

I had been browsing Steemit for a couple of hours when I noticed this post by @blueorgy. I'll be honest, the website raised my concerns...

Do we witness The Dawn of Whale Stalkers?

How much time will it take us to find out @berniesanders address, knocked on his door and personally ask for upvotes.

However, as people like to say nowadays, gotta catch 'em all!

And I feel that it's about time for me to stop endlessly browsing Steemit and start creating a post that would be tasty enough for whales.

So peace out for now. You all, beautiful mammals!

Don't forget to check Giflog 001, Steem Whale T-shirt, Manual for Steemit Creators & follow me for new posts

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