11 Alternatives To Steemit - Times Are Changing


Today I looked for other decentralized social media platforms and found many.

Actually I'm very excited for the future of steemit and from a egoist pespective I hope it will be always big, because I builded something up here in the past 1,5 years. But still I have some FOMO when I see how much other projects are going to do the same or something similiar. Especially when it comes to certain points there is potential for others to make it way better. On steemit the trending page is "owned" by whales, new users barely have a chance to enter this area. Also the communication from steemit is not the best for someone who doesn't want to check Github for everything. If another site can make it better, especially avoid the "whale centralisation", Steemit can quickly become the next Myspace. I really hope this doesn't happen, but time will tell. Not all projects offer exactly the same as Steemit, it is always possible to coexist.

Anyways here is a list of other projects I found. I still feel like I didn't found all. Do you know more? What do you think about those projects? I don't know most of them, but I am curious which ones are promising.


YOYOW:A blockchain based content rewards network


Yours is a social network where you can earn bitcoin if you create value. Our mission to improve the quality of content on the internet and to get people paid for doing work they love.


Qbao is the next generation of decentralised social network
Qbao users will abide by a decentralized autonomous protocol. Also they can share information and communicate on Qbao Network APP.


Sapien is a highly customizable, democratized social news platform capable of rewarding millions of content creators and curators without any centralized intermediaries.


Scrypto.io is the blockchain-based social network platform that intends to offer functionalities that ease the use of cryptocurrencies, for the new investors or beginners. The platform captures developers, miners, investors, and newbies belonging to the cryptocurrency industry.


Take back your internet freedom


Nexus is a new feature filled social network that utilizes decentralized applications and allows for online cryptocurrency marketplace purchases.


In today’s blockchain realm, AKASHA is a social and technological experiment enabling our collective memory, feelings and ideas to echo freely throughout humanity’s existence. By fusing Ethereum with the Inter-Planetary File System, we explore the implications and applications of a permanent Web in the context of freedom of expression, creative perpetuity, and privacy for a better home of Mind.


Sphere was built on the idea that privacy, company transparency, and data security should be the fundamental building blocks of every social platform. So we believe that the millions those corporations are making off of your data doesn't belong to them, it belongs to you.
We are creating a decentralized social network, separate from those corporations, that allows exactly that. You have a say, you get compensated, and above all you take back the power with every connection and every interaction.


Blockchain-based decentralized secure messenger and fastest-growing social network


Synereo offers blockchain-enabled Attention Economy solutions, allowing direct and platform agnostic monetization of original content posted anywhere on the net.

Eigentlich bin ich sehr gespannt auf die Zukunft von Steemit und aus einer egoistischen Perspektive hoffe ich, dass es immer groß wird, denn ich habe hier in den letzten 1,5 Jahren etwas aufgebaut. Aber ich habe immer noch etwas FOMO, wenn ich sehe, wie viel andere Projekte dasselbe oder etwas ähnliches tun werden. Gerade wenn es um bestimmte Punkte geht, gibt es Potenzial für andere, es besser zu machen. Auf Steemit ist die Trendseite von Walen "besessen", neue Nutzer haben kaum eine Chance, in diesem Bereich zu erscheinen. Auch die Kommunikation von Steemit ist nicht das Beste für jemanden, der nicht immer Github überprüfen möchte. Wenn eine andere Seite es besser machen kann, und vor allem die "Wal-Zentralisierung" vermeiden ann, kann Steemit schnell zum nächsten Myspace werden. Ich hoffe wirklich, dass das nicht passiert, aber die Zeit wird es zeigen. Auch bieten nicht alle Projekte genau das gleiche wie Steemit, es ist immer möglich, nebeneinander zu existieren. Wie auch immer, hier ist eine Liste von anderen Projekten, die ich gefunden habe. Ich habe immer noch das Gefühl, dass ich nicht alles gefunden habe. Kennt ihr vielleicht sogar noch mehr? Was denkt ihr über diese Projekte? Ich kenne die meisten nicht, aber ich bin gespannt, welche vielversprechend sind.

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