

Family ties
As some of you know I have three beautiful daughters. In fact it was my youngest daughter's christening yesterday.

During that Christening, I had a chance to catch up with nieces and nephews I hadn't seen in a while. One thing that struck me is how quickly kids grow. Two of my nephews are now in their early twenties. Both are taller than me. I'm six-foot, three so that's no mean feat.

However chatting to them it is clear they're still young. As well as they are both doing, one recently graduated from University and the other is working for a City bank, both still have work to do, particularly when it comes to make smart decisions around money and career direction.

So I praised them about the things they've done well and lectured them on things they can improve on.

What struck me is how attentive and receptive they were to what I was saying. I'm sure I was not telling them anything their parents hadn't told them already. However it dawned on me. They just needed another voice. Someone other than their parents, who was invested in them.

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