Bikini Girl Votes: A Serious look at a Serious subject

Bikini Girl Votes: A Serious look at a Serious subject

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Lately there was a hole lot of noise and arguments on Bikini Votes or rather the amount of votes girls in Bikini's receive. This even led to some well known people leaving the platform, e.g. @sufermarly, which is a pity.

Although the title says this is a serious look, it is rather a light hearted look at Bikini's, and bikini girls receiving up votes. I am just trying to get people to read the post with the title and the photo at the top, looks like it worked because you are reading the post!!

Bikini's don't follow the normal logic. For starters the smaller the bikini, the larger the price tag, normal economics will dictate that the more input material is used to manufacture something, the higher the price should be. Do I hear somebody mumbling that the same goes for bikini girl votes, the smaller the bikini of the girl posting, the higher the pay-out?

Is it the fault of the bikini that it costs more than a normal large bathing-suit? No, it is the fault of the manufacturer and the buying public who is willing to pay the higher mark up!!

Bikinis also cover content!! This content can be rather large - this large content's quality, can be firm or can be a rather sagging affair. Bikinis can also cover small content, this small content can also vary in quality and can sometimes be described as firm and rather perky!! Never mind the size of the content and the specifications of the content, the quality is still in the eye of the beholder. Some people like large content, others like small content, there is a taste for all types of content.

The same goes for steemit, some like long posts, some like short posts, some like arty posts, others again likes travel posts, and others like science and technical posts, some likes crypto posts, and some even like Bikini girl posts. Everybody is entitled to like what he or she wants to like. People then votes for what they like. Is it the fault of the bikini girl if somebody votes for her, even if the content sucks according to some tastes, is it in her control if somebody votes for her content? No it is not. If people wants to blame any body for votes received, blame the voter giving the votes.

Some people think that it is unfair if certain people gets large payouts, because their content is perceived as inferior and because they are a girl in a small outfit, perhaps it is just a case of envy or jealousy because they get more money than others, somebody must have liked the post and voted for it, in order to generate the large pay-out.

Can the same not be said for some high ranked bloggers, I think if some of them post, a post that is empty on the inside they will still have a $100 plus post, you can see for yourself what the difference is in the number of views compared to the number of votes. (This can be explained by bots that are programmed to follow certain people)

I have seen a number of posts by girls that are very good and they do get deservedly high pay-outs. The bad ones in general don't get high pay-outs as I think the readers do know when they are being exploited.

I personally think every body deserves their own spot in the sun, not all of us will like everything, if you don't like a post, don't vote for it, if you like it vote for it.

One question, I would like you to answer honestly in the comments - Did the bikini girl get you to read this post, yes or no?

See this post as my experiment inside the experiment, which is steemit!!

I hope you liked this post.

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