March Gnosis Newsletter

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Hello Fellow Steemian,

I do believe this March came in like a lion and is going out like a lamb is to be seen Which is a good
thing because they wouldn't be faring very well in these Apocalyptic times even though we have just had the spring
Equinox and the Sun is in Aries, which is energetic, independent, passionate, trailblazing, and revolutionary. Today Mercury went Retrograde until April 15th and with all the other alignments it will be another very intense period with lots of miscommunication, failed communication, obstacles, limitations, and delays both personally and collectively. This all spells out a time of feeling tried, stressed, repressed, frustrated, and rageful with much potential for extreme emotional outbursts, battles or wars, and revolts.

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These are times when we are tested to find what we are made of and whether we are Heartstrong, Headstrong, both, or neither. Lions are courageous and Heartstrong. Rams are impulsive and Headstrong. It is a time now to remember the old adage that it is better to live as a lion for a day than a sheep for a lifetime. It is also a time now where you will be pushed to your capacity at the seams which is challenging but it also inspires you to say,"What the F#ck!!!", drop all your "rules", and revisit what actually is important to you that you may have ignored due to perceived necessity, obedience, or survival. Apocalypse means the unveiling of the truth and we are in the rumble before the fireworks. The masses are in unrest and have taken as much suppression, war, theft by government, banks, and other corporations, and assaults to their livelihood, environment, and health that can be tolerated. Within all of this challenge therein lies a gift though.


When we have no where to go and no room to move...tied down and bound there is only one place to go...inside. Our egos motivation is survival and control and when it faces the reality of neither it takes a u-turn and seeks solace in our heart and soul, and hides in denial of it's external reality. This is the beginning of learning the arts of surrender and humility, two of the trademarks of a Spiritual Warrior. There is big Wisdom to be gleaned here. Sometimes we have to get smashed to bits and pieces in order to be put together again in a more appropriate manner. There is actually a Japanese art form called Kintsugi where broken pottery is put back together with gold in between the cracks to highlight where it was smashed from the belief that it is more beautiful for having been broken. I urge you to meditate on this. That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger but it also makes us more beautiful...and hopefully compassionate.


One of my mantras is it is not what happens but how I handle it that matters. This is an excellent mantra for the next month...or year, actually, for that matter. I urge you to go into your heart and soul...your ego to surrender to them and allow it to be promoted to the director of integrity for your Higher Self. The ego panics when it doesn't feel safe or has no where to go and no control. It is like a drowning person given a hand to be pulled into a life boat and instead of being saved it pulls so hard it flips over the life boat and everyone drowns when left to it's own devices without our heart, soul, or Higher Self. I am not a believer in the religious or New Age woo woo bullshit that the ego must be eradicated or bullied into submission out of fear. It will become obedient yes, but it's spirit will be broken and will never shine or know loyalty, grace, or joy. When the ego is promoted to the director of integrity for our heart, soul, Higher Self it does an excellent job because it likes being a security officer, having an important role, and being in charge. Our ego is the perfect avatar our soul chose to play this virtual reality game called life on Earth as a human to have the experiences it sought to have before incarnating. To let the ego rule the roost all by itself devoid of or in denial of our heart, soul, Higher Self is like a 3 year old at the wheel of a Mack truck with a cement block on the gas pedal and now power steering...innocent yet tragic chaos is inevitable.

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I highly recommend treading as lightly as possible over the next month. Remember to breathe, spend as much time peacefully in nature as possible, grounding practices, creating sacred space for yourself and avoiding toxic people, places, and things as much as possible. If you are a Rainbow Warrior GodDess do all these things taking a retreat of the Spiritual Warrior and be awaiting your call to action for you will be. We are rapidly approaching a collective "Naked Lunch" moment that William Burroughs so eloquently described when all of a sudden you realize as you are about to take a bite of your lunch that the entire cafeteria is staring at what is on the end of your fork...and suddenly you lose your appetite. Lastly, I will leave you with one more of my mantras that gets me through times like we are in,"The only difference between a terrible challenge and an exciting adventure is my attitude."

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Good luck with your spiritual triage either already here or coming anon. Time to Get Your GodDess On!!!

If you are interested in getting some assistance with integrating anything I have just shared, our collective Shadow Work, or your personal Shadow Work which is doing an emotional house cleaning in sync with the energetics on the planet now, or your Spiritual Awakening in order to access healing, more life force, and inner wisdom, please visit my website and fill out the contact form. I would love to help you Get Your Gnosis On!!!

As for the monthly gifts that I usually share on Re~Education, Healing,Inspiration, & Conscious Co-Creation, I have decided to discontinue them because I feel I am barraging you with too much information in the newsletter. I continue to share information and posts across all my social media pages via the widgets below if you want more resources for furthering your own Awakening. Streamlining was part of my lesson for this last round of Kundalini...time to lighten the load a bit, refocus, and TranscenDance on in a new direction. Change is good and it is the only constant in the Multiverse other than Unconditional Love.

Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy...& Steem On!!!

Lisa Vunk @rwarriorgoddess
Spiritual Awakening Facilitator, Conscious Evolution Coach, Healer, Author, and Social & Spiritual Activist/Change Agent

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