Making Sense of the Tragic Elemental Occurrences: September Gnosis Newsletter


I would first like to say that I have immense compassion for all those who have been affected by the rash of hurricanes in North America, earthquakes, especially Mexico who got both, and the typhoon in the Phillipines. Tremendous tragedy is rampant and there is much destruction, loss of life, homelessness, struggle, and grief. I would like to believe like many people that it is an "act of God" that could not be avoided but I know differently. The collective emotions of people have a direct effect on weather and the elements but I am afraid the truth of what is going on here is far more unnatural, disturbing, and been going on for some time.


The scope of what I talk about here is far too long for my newsletter but I highly encourage everyone who is not already in the know here to Google and research HAARP, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, E.L.F., Extremely Low Frequency electromagnetic radiation, the role geoengineering aka chemtrails play with them, and the weaponization of weather. The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 were some of the first large scale uses of this technology that I am aware of. They were testing grounds for what we are experiencing now.


The weaponization of our weather is being done to bring humanity to its' knees as the long hidden truths of how our world really functions are coming to light. Also, Google Agenda 21 and study the plan that has been incremented slowly and stealthily over more than the last one hundred years to reduce the population of the Earth to the elites sociopaths and 500,000 slaves possessing the desired DNA to make good user-bee worker drone slaves.

I am not telling you this to add to the fear porn being pummelled at those who still watch Lamestream Media like an AK-47. I am telling you this because the time has come to collectively see why all this tragedy has occurred and also its' connection to why we have had endless wars, allegedly owe the next universe over some vast amount of fiat money to the tune of quadrillions of dollars, and why starvation, struggle, systemic abuse, human trafficking, sacrifice, and survival have been a constant for so long on this planet.



Wisdom seeks truth no matter how painful or ugly it might be. False light and the woo woo BS of the cointelpro operation called the New Age movement only accept, honor, or sell the "pretty lies" that they punditly dictate to be the truth. Only focus on the light is a way of that a parasite or predator trying to distract its' host, like that huge evil fish in "Nemo" with it's dazzling spotlight hanging in front of its' face, there to hypnotize Nemo into stillness for optimal harvest. I do not want to overwhelm as this topic pulls the rug out from under those who are new to it. I will just leave you to ponder and reflect on what I have shared and hope that you will act appropriately when and if you are able to integrate it.

I know I just dropped a bomb on you but I would like to switch channels to some positive things to focus on instead. I am excited to be a guest on "The Gift of Healing TV" next month live on October 18th near Glastonbury, England, the Heart Chakra of the Earth, where I am travelling for a month to finish the last touches of my book and revisit our history of Avalon, King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table, and the Holy Grail. I will share the details for how to watch live or afterwards in my October Gnosis Newsletter.

Also, please InJoy my interview on Consciousness Caffeine with KnightStar Colin Turner who authored the "Free World Charter" and created, inspiring humanity to go beyond the slavery of fiat money and into more of a resource and gift-based economy that is our birthright. Good luck with your spiritual triage either already here or coming anon. Time to Get Your GodDess & Gnosis On!!!

Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy...& Steem On!!!

Lisa Vunk aka @rwarriorgoddess

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