February Gnosis Newsletter: The Popcorn is Starting to Pop at the Spiritual Triage Party on Earth

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February Gnosis Newsletter: The Popcorn is Starting to Pop at the Spiritual Triage Party on Earth

Intense, highly sensitive, and vulnerable are the energies I have been observing present now in the world and my clients. My newsletter today is inspired by a young SiStar GodDess who found me on a website I subcontract on part-time as a love, relationship, and spiritual advisor. Valentine's Day week is like the week before April 15th for CPAs or Santa's before Christmas there. As I explained ad infinitum last week, if we practiced letting people know how much we loved them on a daily basis we wouldn't need a holiday to remind us of it. The no-turning-back journey we are all committed to right now by our mere existence is one of reclaiming self-love, wholeness, unconditional love, and thus unity consciousness. This is a GiNormous shift from where we are collectively now.

As a Spiritual Awakening Facilitator and healer who specializes in Shadow Work I help people see what they hide from themselves and others from the operating program they have created out of survival and/or desire to get their needs met and usually cemented with guilt, shame, and fear of abandonment or rejection (the herd instinct/family dynamics). Many people are completely unconscious of these wounds innocently and others have learned to fight fiercely to deny their existence and protect/prevent their discovery. It is common in Shadow Work because I shed light on these wounds and stir them up to be the focus of their unconscious survival defense mechanisms. After a couple of lengthy chats with this young woman she ended abruptly after commenting that she disagreed and I received two emails from her including this one:


"I honestly feel attacked and that you are a worldly woman yes but also a racist. If you contact me again, I will report you for sending hateful race related messages. The company ____ is already flagged by my account. So be wary of your word choice before you tell a first generation American minority woman how much you know about the culture she was raised into. People like you are why I will never work internationally. White women pretending to know the experience of an African American woman. You should add racially insensitive to your bio."


The irony here is that we never discussed her immigrant status or national identity, her religious beliefs, her skin color, nor the culture she was raised in, only that she was a woman going to school and living in the USA!!!...but that was how it landed for her. I did share that I left America because I am a healer and it is illegal to even say that you heal anyone in the USA and I wanted to spend my energy healing people not fighting for the right to do so. When we get judged, labeled, and denied or abused due to the differences/avatar options aside from the fact we all share 99% of the exact same DNA we create a belief and a wound that there is something wrong with those things. Our world has been divided by a small group of people who have slowly siphoned most of the resources of the planet from us and taught/programmed us into believing that those with different hair, skin, language, born on a different piece of the Earth, or exercise different religious, spiritual, or sexual choices are the reason to blame, instead of them, the corporate pirates using their weapons banking, government, war, genocide, and the media. The species called the human race is the true victim here, not the varying types, colors, styles, and flavors of them and those corporate pirates have us all pitted against each other for survival for their profit and sadistic pleasure.

What I feel happened in our connection was I shared some of my personal perspective that was outside of her comfort zone on which she had established a foundation for her identity and made important life choices in this human life based on her current one which my sharing made her question. Unfortunately, what I shared is the reality for any human on this planet right now regardless of any of their chosen beliefs and identifications...and it is scary as hell as anyone who follows my work or is a client already knows.


It is very challenging being a human on this planet with an open heart with all the pain, fear, misery and struggle for survival present from thousands of years of enslavement by what I will call The Powers That Were. No one opens their eyes to this truth comfortably...it is a terribly tragic and execrable story...but also a GiGorgeously touching and beautiful one because all of us courageous souls who chose to incarnate here now brought Bright Lights and Gifts to share with others to inspire them to heal and create a different reality. This includes embracing just what it is that needs to be acknowledged, shifted, and/or changed completely in ourselves (ego beliefs) and collectively in our local communities as well as globally. If you are still reading this you are most definitely one of those Bright Lights who came to shine theirs in the Darkness and I thank you for reminding me of the need for even subtler differentiations in sensitivity and gentleness when shining my Brilliant Light at others who are just Awakening. It was not my intention to scare you or hurt your eyes.

Unity Consciousness is one of the things I came to model and teach...so I had to experience the opposite in order to Remember it, too. I am not a racist of any human because I see us all as one reflected differently and those differences that you claim being judged by are simply other colors on my palette from which to paint a more beautiful picture...I do not judge them for being bad or not loved for how much of them I use, where, or which medium...oils, acrylics, watercolor, ink, clay, gold leaf, crayons, or fingerpaints. We are all truly just immortal magickal and unique manifestations of the infinite possibilities of the multiverse...granted free will and made of unconditional love. That is the higher spiritual reality behind the physical manifestation we face here on Earth currently. I do not reject anyone or any aspect of them in anyway unless they cause actual harm to another but I do question beliefs and behaviors which we are in control of. There is much emotion attached to the labels we identify with and attach to ourselves. I was simply reflecting what I see. We all get to choose how we receive, process, or act on our experiences. I responded to her email not because I wanted to challenge her threat to harm me if I did but because I wanted to clarify what I said in context further and attempt to build a bridge with her instead of a wall and hopefully others can learn from our experience.


Calling me a racist is like calling another woman a misogynist...and as we know women are the mother of all here and what we come from ourselves. The healing of the collective Divine Feminine is a whole other saga we can save for another time but that is what was triggered here in the young woman on a multi-generational ancestral level as in hundred's of thousands of years of the Divine Feminine being suppressed, enslaved, raped, human trafficked, unsupported, and betrayed by the Divine Masculine that women were/are not able to handle their own emotions never mind those of their children. Then there are the mothers who are/were so traumatized that they are devoid of the presence of their own inner Divine Feminine that they actually prey on their own children's life force/love for survival. Women have and still are betraying other women and not honoring their Divine Feminine, too, including their friends, sisters, daughters, and children. The Divine Masculine is also injured and a mess as well but that is a massive oversimplification. As I said..it is very ugly.

Good luck with your spiritual triage either already here or coming anon. Time to Get Your GodDess On!!!

Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy!!!

Lisa Vunk @rwarriorgoddess
Spiritual Awakening Facilitator, Conscious Evolution Coach, Healer, Author, and Social & Spiritual Activist/Change Agent

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