Break those softwares, crack the passwords ==== > Used for security

Lets break some softwares :p

When internet started becoming value able, and things needed security
We introduced passwords, and gateways. but those things started to break

when people create security, other people invent methods to break them
We seen attacks for cracking softwares

1. Brute force

Where you try all the combinations of letters and numbers that you think password will be consisting upon
and this method worked.. lets say you wanted to crack a software which you downloaded and its password protected
first you will use dictionary of words, most commonly used passwords and try them one by one,

e.g 0000, 1234, 12345, password, God, so and so..
if that does not work. then you will brute force it..
e.g start from a, then aa, aaa, aab, aac so on and so forth

4 letter password, has 4 ^ 26 * 4 ^26 * 4 ^10 combinations that you have to try.

Reverse engineering

this is second method, of cracking a software. which needs skills
what you do it you take that binary file of the software. and disassemble it
that way you will get Assembly code of your software. then you have do trial and error
and using break points search for the Jump condition which is check in order to unlock the software
and change that jump instruction and save the binary and there you have it, cracked file.

Machine Learning

This method is new, which uses softwares/programs written by developer
those programs learn themselves on where to go.
These programs can use artificial intelligence. which contains genetic algorithms.
and many other cool stuff


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