"How I Made $12,000 In One Month On Steemit" - Throwback Thursday (on a Saturday) from a Fellow Steemian's Post...

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Just came across a Post yesterday and thought it was quite worthy enough to discuss a little bit with some of my own commentary. Here's the link to Stella Belle's original post Stella's $12K mo. Post

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So who is @Stellabelle ?

Well, I found @Stellabelle through another Steemian I follow, @StevenAlexander. They put on a show at Dtube. They are quite bizarre and zany and just over the top. Dressing up in wigs and just having a good ole' time. Talking about different subject matters. I love it ! :)
Putting this aside, I learned @Stellabelle happens to be one of the most well respected and renowned Steemians. And in my opinion it's a well deserved Reputation as I have regularly visited her blog posts. Quality stuff !

Her Approach to making $12K mo. as a Relative Newcomer ( back then)

@Stellabelle notes when she saw Steemit for the first time like many of us she saw her future laid out before her very eyes. It was that powerful to her. Such a poignant moment as it has been for many of us.
One thing she also observes and attracted her to Steemit is Co-Founder Dan Larimer's vision of tying freedom with non-violence and actually rewarding that. @Stellabelle says "even the baddest of boys will open the door for a blind man" if you tie a financial reward for being useful and helpful i.e what we have here at Steemit.

Is @StellaBelle's Results 'Replicatable' ??

I know this is a somewhat cliched answer, but anytime someone tries to financially compare one person to another person...well it usually is a no win situation. Mainly because there can be so many different reasons as to why one person made this amount and another person made that amount of money.

However, what I will say is that a person who takes some of the points @stellabelle highlights in her Post and implements them on a regular basis... well then they have a very good chance of finding Success at Steemit to a degree anyone would be proud of.

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When I see people who talk about principles and tools that have been crucial to their Success, I like to see if it is something that is realistic for me. Something that is doable and something that may match my own skill sets.
Well, first of all @stellabelle is a highly intelligent person. And very gifted, imho. More so than me. A lot more. Believe me I wish I could say that wasn't true. But it is what it is :)

The Punchline :

Here's the ticker though : You don't have to be as talented as StellaBelle (and btw, she's so humble she would tell she is not so ). By her own omission in her Post , you can see where you do NOT have to be.
@Stellabelle stresses that you have be consistent with your Content production. She started off with two Blog Posts per day. I think for some people that may be unrealistic. What is doable is setting a time to Blog and sticking by that no matter what. If you can do three times a week then do that and remain consistent with it. I think most of us can do that.

Lastly, Stellabelle points out that she was "Fearless" and went "All In" with Steemit. I truly believe EVERY human being ( and YES I mean EVERYONE) has the genetic makeup and the gifts from our Maker to be quite "Fearless" and to wholeheartedly Commit to something as revolutionary and exciting as Steemit . "Fearless" in that we each have it inside us to pursue the best version of ourselves no matter what anyone says, and no matter what anyone thinks. (Take a look at @stellabelle 's vlog, and you will see this firsthand)

I believe we can all do that and not to sound too corny but I think Steemit presents a truly cutting edge opportunity for many of us to put our best foot forward and let our best version play out for itself in a way we probably never could have imagined before Steemit came along. (Okay rob, enough already... stop it with the Willie Wonka talk lol )

Seriously though, I think @Stellabelle is a wonderful example of the possibilities here for each of us at Steemit. So I say onward march to you my fellow Steemians !! :)


P.S. Check out Stellabelle being "Fearless" in Below Video :) ;)

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And please be sure to Follow and check out @stellabelle 's Blog. You will be missing out if you don't

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