A Word Of Encouragement To Newbies: A Brief History Of My Steemit Experience


I've been on Steemit since the end of November... I came in at a time when Steem was at a low spot. I started writing about things I like, economics, politics, society and life. I had no idea about blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies or anything like that. All I knew is that I like to write and this seemed like as good a place as any to do it. I had seen a video extolling the virtues of Steemit, not only as a potential for making money, but as a community that was censorship-free... and that was what I was looking for.

I began to post. Having no followers, I began to interact with other Steemians about their posts. The price of Steem being way down, my posts paid $0.45 or maybe a good one would get $1.15. It didn't matter because it was about community and being able to express myself without the rigors of Fakebook or Twatter. Slowly at first I began to get followers and the payout on my posts began to increase... $3.75... $5.50. My wallet began to grow, but I didn't know anything about crypto, so it didn't really matter- it was more about being part of the community. I read posts from people who were having financial difficulties and needed help. So I sent them Steem or SBD. It probably took me a couple of months to get up to 100 Steem... I kept giving it away.

It felt good to help (it still does) and it wasn't like giving REAL money- I was never going to use any of it anyway. The guy I take care of used to ask jokingly: "How's your play money account doing today?" After a while my wallet was up to $485. Someone that feeds the homeless needed a fridge because theirs broke... So I sent them some of my "play money." I was glad to help, it made me feel a part of the community. Then the price of Steem started to go back up. Suddenly my wallet began to grow in leaps and bounds. Before I knew it, it was over $1000... then $3000... This was incredible! But it was still make believe money. I kept writing, my followers began to increase and with them the payout amount. A week or so before the latest HF, I had my first $100 post. Why do I tell you all this?

If you came here wanting to get rich, you're here for the wrong reason... this is a community. If you came here to become part of the community, you will get rich- maybe not financially, riches is a subjective concept. I grew up poor and have been so most of my life- because money never mattered that much to me. It can get frustrating seeing posts on the trending page receive payouts of $1000 or more, but those people are the ones that invested a lot of time and money here. I started with nothing, so everything I get is a bonus. My advice (Now that I'm over 70, I feel compelled to give advice lol) is to do what you love. If it's photography, do that... the same with writing, painting, or whatever you do. Forget about the money and focus on being a part of the community- give to those in need (you never know when it might be you). I had a problem a couple of weeks back and someone from Steemit (@papa-pepper) drove his family half-way across the state to help. Suddenly it all became real... including the money.

Steemit is full of great people who have come together in a wonderful community in the true sense of the word. Be a part of the community and be patient and you will love the results.


GIF by @papa-pepper


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