Screenshot_20190814-001858_1565738513940.jpgMan is a spirit being who has a soul and lives in a body.1thessalonians5:23 tells us this:
And the very God of peace santify you wholly;and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The three parts are distinct yet interrelated:

The spirit :
The spirit is what is referred to as the real man,it is the link between the internal, spiritual world .it is the battery that keep the body and the soul Alive,a man is only said to be dead when the spirit leaves the body.the spirtos the life in the man,this is the breath of God that was breath I to man at creation to make him living,without it the soul and the body are helpless.
However the spirit cannot function, independently,it expresses it self through the body and the cannot think but it makes the mind cannot work or neither walk but it send signals to the body to do these
The outward or external part of the truine man,the body must be able to take orders from the spirit and the saved mind.if left unchecked it can overstep it's bound and put the spirit man in a very difficult position.

The soul
The soul is the most comprehensive part of man,the soul houses the mind and the reasoning faculty of the man and this is the centre of decisions,will, emotions and desires of the man dwell.
The mind is the intellect of is also referred to as the brain.the creative ability of man cannot be fully understood and fully appreciated without a deep understanding of the human systems.every action taken by the body is ordered by the brain.
That push that push required of the regenerated man for mental aggressiveness is contained in the book of Genesis 1:28, which says:
And God blessed them,and God said unto them,be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it,and have Dominion over every living thing that moves upon the earth.
Unsaved minds have held the baton far too long,it's time for the born-again children of God to take over this is not the time for mental stroke,it is the time to make discoveries
Doctors agree that the brain of man is loaded with extra-ordinary insights and productivity.this means that man has greater capabilities than what is made manifest now.scientist have even proven that man has not be able to use all of his brain capabilities,and see what the little he has used has made,now imagine him using all.this could only done in Jesus
The mind of man is the central control valve of the human being,the spirit cannot relate with the body without an approval from the mind,neither can the body relate with the spirit without passing through the mind
It is also of key imporyance to know that upon a man's death the man mind faces judgement,the spirit goes back to God and the body rots in the grave,so what would face torment or enjoy eternal life is the mind.that is why a higher function of connecting both the spirit and the body is given to it........

The body
The body of man is the dwelling place for both the spirit and the soul,it is referred to as the temple of God,it is the link with the external, physical world,these three distinct parts of man are interdependent on each other
With the spirit,man contacts the spirit realm,whatever he receives is communicated to the mind for analysis and probation after this the decisions of the mind are in turn communicated to the body to act on
For massive productivity,a man is expected to develop in these three dimensions of life,he is supposed to develop his spirit,his mind and his body.the mind is developed through mental processing of ideas,the body through exercise,in all realms the extent at which you exercise determines the cannot get more from the spirit is able to connect,mind able to analyze and more than the body can take
As you grow more in the spirit you world more power and produce more in this three phases of man.

Jesus our human example

Jesus is our perfect example of how you can manage all three dimensions of man,he grew in these dimensions by:
1.He developed his mind by reasoning in the scriptures this is why at the age of twelve,he was able to discuss wisely with the doctors of law in the temple.luke2:47,All that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.
2.Jesus also developed His body through physical exercise and hard work in the carpenter's shed .luke2:40 tells us;
And the child grew and waxed strong in spirit,filled with wisdom:and Grace was upon him.
And in Luke 2:52,we read;
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man.
In verse 40, the growth of the HIs spirit man is linked with the mind,the seat of wisdom while in verse 52, His physical growth is linked with the mind.the spirit cannot function effectively without the mind, neither can the body perform it's functions without.there cannot be increase without growth in the mind..................

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