The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my limages-1.jpgot.*
Psalms 16:5 KJV

Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied. (Jude 1:2 KJV)

You have not lost anything...not your salvation nor any other thing associated with it that was purchased for you by Jesus..your inheritance in Christ hasnt gone anywhere..neither anything in it missing and the reason for that is simple..IT IS MAINTAINED BY THE LORD HIMSELF..none other. He maintains your lot..The Lord Himself is the maintenance manager of your Christ inheritance..and He doesn't lose what He is supposed to maintain.

You can choose to 'walk away' from it or walk outside of it(which will always be to your own disadvantage anyway), can be ignorant of its contents and so not be utilising the Christ package well..sin for example, is fully dealt with but the lies around its subject matter being spewed around by ignorant folks can be buffeting you due to your own ignorance of Christ and getting you to think you're some sorry loser who is unrighteous and unfit for Jesus meanwhile, you are fully the righteousness of God and holy and God is super delighted about you. You havent lost your inheritance of right standing with God in is intact.

You may be wallowing in sicknesses and be experiencing terrible haven't lost your inheritance of absolute divine health in is can pull your healing from the inheritance package anytime you awaken to the realities of its contents and from the same package contents stay completely healthy from then on.. That you were or are ignorant of the package and its contents and how to use it doesn't mean you've lost it..No its intact..The maintenance manager is a highly effective one.

Same thing with your wealth. The Christ package catered for your finances too..You can choose not to walk in it and be a poor christian..Lazarus made heaven alright... Or you can choose to walk in the fullness of your wealth package in Christ..Abraham also made heaven. Only difference between them(Abraham and Lazurus) is that one(Abraham) got a lot more things done with his faith in this world than the other (Lazarus). Poverty is not of Christ because it is not the absence of money. It is that self resignation(in the mind) that rules out your ability to accomplish or have what you are desiring..that self resignation..that self acceptance of complete inability to accomplish your desire..that is poverty. Being rich is essentially having Jesus and knowing Him. You can have money or not in addition to that(its fully catered for by the Christ package) but again, it's your choice.

Now, all these are just the benefits of the inheritance itself. Your inheritance itself is the personhood of Jesus Christ. He Himself is your portion. He is alive. Your life is Himself..your health is Himself...your wealth, your riches is He Himself as a person. Your salvation is Himself. Your righteousness is Him. Now, He is not lost nor missing..He isn't dead nor buried..He is alive and in your heart. So your inheritance is absolutely intact..awaken to your inheritance which is alive in your spirit and enjoy life everyday from the wealth of its treasures. You are so blessed.

Thank you father that you yourself in the personhood of your son Jesus Christ by the HolyGhost is my portion of inheritance. I enjoy daily from your treasures and lack nothing that I need in Jesus name.

Let the HolyGhost lead you(through intimate fellowship with Him) into the various aspects and dimensions of the treasuries of your inheritance. They are so vast and so enormous you'd realise what time wastage it is to have even a second out of fellowship with the Father.
2 Corinthians 4:7

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