When the rewards button will appear in my wallet ? reward claim button not available in my wallet - I had 2+2 rewards but I can not claim them


I have joined steemit since last Monday 2/10/2017, and I have made up voting for some posts at which the period of 7 and 8 days are over or finished for two of them and the system is showing that the rewards are paid , and the analyzer is showing clearly that I should have 2 + 2 as per the attached picture

I can see the buy steem button and I had already use it to buy steem 2 times , but the rewards button not yet shown

I am waiting since yesterday the claiming button to appear but till now it did not.

I am attaching here my account details and all related pictures.

Is this button has a certain time to appear , or I have a problem in my screen or settings of the screen, please advise me why I cannot see the button

My account name is red-rose

Please for your advice….

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