Let's build a new Steemit.com! (Overview)


I love Steemit, but there are things that we need to be doing to avoid a crash like last time Steem pumped.


Being a part of the Steem community for a good amount of time now, I feel like it's time I throw out some suggestions I have for the overall platform. I will be going over them one by one, so get comfy and let's do this!

1. Development.

The main problem I see with Steemit at this current point in time is the development progress and speed or lack thereof. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that our witnesses and developers don't work hard. What I do believe is that all us users of them Steem blockchain are expecting huge growth to happen in this space. In fact, we have seen immense growth within the last month or two coming from the last hard for that kinda made the rewards pool dry out for quite a but of time (and while we are on the subject, shout out to all us users that stayed strong and fixed that whole mess). To get back to point what I am grasping at is that the speed of development is not matching the rate of new users. Let's all be honest here and remind ourselves Steemit.com is actually just a knockoff in between design of Reddit and Tumblr. The only reason people decide Steemit over other social media platforms is the great community and the rewards. Being a music producer and record label owner, I could easily dedicate all my time to Twitter and Facebook optimization. I actually deleted my Facebook page awhile ago, for the sole purpose of investing and using Steemit for my main online marketing. So answering the question you currently are asking me in your head, yes there is a reason I chose Steemit which is not for the amount of engagement, but for the concept of the block chain itself. Regardless there are thousands joining Steemit this month, and if we want to keep people interested I really do believe we need one certain thing to shoot Steemit to the moon...

A complete major overhaul of Steemit.com and branding.

I will leave this up to interpretation, but I believe the Steemit website needs a complete and massive overhaul. Any ideas in the replies are very welcomed!

2. More integration with different types of content creation.

This is going more into detail on my first point. Let's start with this; the way I see Steemit is being geared and pushed towards content creators to make a decent profit on their work. Also not worrying too much about website building, SEO, and social marketing. I love this concept overall, but the problem with this is that there are so many different types of content in this world to be created and consumed. To elaborate on this fact I'm considering making more specific ways to reach your targeted audience on Steemit, and not just one overflowing news feed. Kind of like the way subreddits works in a sense. I will make an example of this with a feature I would love to see on Steemit.

Video hosting and live streaming


The great thing about integrating this into the Steem blockchain would be targeting YouTube users and Twitch users that rely on ad revenue as well and sponsors. If you don't have enough following and influence on these sites, you won't make anything close to a livable income. Though, let's say your content is quality and deserves to make you profit. Video hosting and streaming could allow for anybody to upvote the same as blog posts in my opinion. Not every "Let's player" or video producer wants to take up writing as well. Like I said before, branching out into different areas of content creation instead of just writing. In turn, this will bring us closer to mass adoption as well. Maybe Steem could partner with an open source streaming service like OBS?

3. A better monetary system

This is self explanatory, but let me elaborate a little bit. Right now for the average Joe, it is pretty difficult to take your earnings from Steemit and transfer it into your local currency. I feel like integration with Coinbase or just cashing out your earnings straight from the Steemit blockchain would be AWESOME!


While I'm hitting this point let me touch on one last thing

The SBD must go and we have to find a way to leave it behind us.

While the SBD was a fundamental part of the Steem ecosystem, I feel like we can safely put it behind us going forward. I am not going to go into details acting like I know too much about this issue, all I understand is that the SBD is not living up to its original purpose. When things don't do what they were designed for it's time to shed some skin.


I think Steemit needs to rebrand itself and catch up in development with the amount of growth we have had recently, I'd like to see a video hosting and live streaming. Also, easier way to use the Steem currency and rework of the SBD
That's about all I have, for now, if you believe in any of the information I talked about please upvote this post. Anything with enough support will get done one day. Just for clarification, I know very little about development, but I do know much about business. There are my own personal opinions, I want to hear yours as well in the replies!

Follow me on Steemit and other places

Steemit: @rdollarsign
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rdollasign
YouTube: https://goo.gl/1U8Gkm
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