Just how woke?

Ive missed you #steemit community, Ranger Duffy is back with vengeance. Here to drop some truth knowledge and perspective.

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Death and Taxes are two things in life that are a certainty, that and give it enough time, Alex Jones will be proven right.


Now im not saying i agree with every thing the gay frog bashing, goblin hating, Trump loving Texan has to say as a matter of fact far from it. Truth be told, it is increasingly obvious that this man is here to be controlled opposition but does that mean we should write off everything he says? What im telling you is pinches of salt are very good things but given the track record of the mainstream media Alex Jones speaks more truth to power then anyone else with a platform his size.

Anyone who has listened to Alex Jones since the election can see that he is the president of the MAGA fan club and the head of Trumps cheerleading squad but that doesnt mean there isnt valuable information there, in fact quite the contrary.

The point im getting at is that when understanding the bias of whatever media you consume it becomes easy to turn yourself into a bullshit detector. CNN MSNBC FOX NEWS David Ike Alex Jones Joe Rogan Ben Shapiro Dave Ruben and yes even those dumb bastards on The Young Turks have valuable information it just inst always the information being presented to you front and center.

Understanding the bias allows you to see the agenda.
Question known liars.
Follow the money to the power.

and always remember the Hegelian Dialectic:

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Stay woke my friends
Ranger Duffy loves you all

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