What's Next for SteemIt? And Speed To Market

How amazing is this platform? I think we all agree that this is a gamechanger.
The future is here and cryptocurrency and social networks like SteemIt will dominate the planet.
But will SteemIt be that platform?
Will it be the next Facebook? Or will it be like Friendster & MySpace?

I'm writing this blog post from the perspective of a business & life strategist.
The people I help are mostly afraid to share their ideas at first. Afraid I, or someone else might steal that amazing idea they've got. But is that a good fear?

Ideas are important.
Knowledge gives you power.
They are important and they do give you power.
But in the end, it's all about the execution.

SteemIt is the first social media cryptocurrency platform, structured in a unique way.
They had an amazing idea, did an amazing job but are they the first? We don't know.
We probably never heard Snoop Dog's best hit, or saw Picasso's best painting.
If they don't produce and promote that hit, or show, or finish that painting.
We never got a chance to see or hear about it.

The same goes for ideas.
Uber is not the first company to think about driving people around in private cars.
AirBnB is not the first company to think about sleeping over at a someone's house and paying them a fee.
However, they were the first companies to actually execute the idea, put in the work, overcome their problems and build a success out if it.

Ideas are nice, but without execution, they are worthless.
The person who's got the idea is always more important than the idea itself and that brings me to my next point.


Speed to market.
Being fast, getting stuff done, acting on new idea's and feedback is what builds success inside of a business, or life in general.

Google recently invested into Blockchain, a bitcoin wallet.
Screen Shot 2017-06-25 at 11.09.20.png

Is this Google looking to wet its feet into the new world they know is coming?
Is this going to be Google's chance of creating a social network based on a similar model like SteemIt?
Is SteemIt going to be fast enough to evolve and grow into the network they should become?

The potential is there, but I'm afraid that innovative giants like Mark Zuckerburg will be faster, better and definitely more resourceful than the rest of the world.

So what is going to happen in the next few years? One thing is for sure, this is the future.
The rest, I don't know. Nobody really knows.
It's going to be an exciting time. It's a time where we can invest a little bit of money and hope to turn it into a great fortune simply by taking that leap of faith and betting on this platform and cryptocurrencies in general.

Speed to market.
How fast do you buy into something, as an investor?
How fast do you act on your ideas?
And how fast do you manage to raise the capital needed and build a team to execute on your ideas?

That's the question.


Thank you for reading, my name is Randy Hereman, I'm also know as The Vegan Entrepreneur.
I love writing, vlogging (find me on http://theveganentrepreneur.tv) and I'm trying to make the world a better place.
I'm new to SteemIt and I look forward to share my passion for life with all of you.

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