Rags - Battlefield V reveal trailer review - What's with the mixed reception?

Hi there! If you don't know who I am, my name is Riyad (but you may call me as Rags if you wish). I am your average teenager who loves to game, predominantly playing games like League of Legends and Rainbow Six Siege. I joined Steemit in October 2017 and I aim to post at least once a week (my studies often causes inconsistencies D:, but I am doing my best!). I hope you enjoy the post - Upvote if you do and be sure to comment on if you liked the post - and if not - on what I can do to improve!

Hello there, Steemit community! My name is Riyad, but you may call me Rags if you wish! [This is my first ever voiced video on one of my posts on my blog, which is quite exciting for me but also quite nerve-racking too, so bear with me XD]

The topic I will talk about today is with the reveal of battlefield 5 a few days ago. Since the upload of the reveal trailer, the likes and dislikes remain almost equal showing that the trailer has received a mixed reception between the community. So the question I ask: Why is the community so split?

BF5 trailer.PNG

There are 3 main reasons I propose to this split reception of the game

1.The lack of clarity when showing the features of the game in the trailer

If you have watched the bf5 trailer, you will realise that there are no real emphasised mechanics or features being presented and most of the new additions made to the game do not stand out or don’t even show up at all!

This really makes it seem to first viewers that there isn’t much that’s new to the table which is just completely false!

Let’s take an example: The small interview with some of the head directors of Battlefield 5 said that fortifications will be introduced meaning that structures can be created using materials such as sandbags to create barricades, machine gun nests etc.
Where was that in the trailer, you may ask? Oh yes, it was in a few seconds as the trailer transitions to gameplay… did you notice that first time, because I for sure did not!
And there were even features that did not really show up at all, like the new hero tanks and vehicles such as the Churchill crocodile tank for the British and the Tiger tank for the Germans.
So most people left really frustrated saying that battlefield V was just a reskin of BF1, which I don’t think was the intended message

2. The gameplay was not true “Battlefield” Gameplay and looks more like COD

So once the trailer moves to the gameplay, the battleground is just chaos. There are hordes of people running and gunning, planes recklessly flying about. Hell, even the player we watch slides around with an LMG!

bf v 4.jpg

People were mainly looking for some tactical and strategic gameplay rather than such a scramble shown in the trailer. But I think that whilst I do agree that this is definitely not representative of real bfV gameplay

(I mean, what are the chances of being able to shoot an airborne grenade which destroys a plane?!),

but even the bf1 trailer was very chaotic and that was very well received (with about a 98% like rating!) so I think that this argument is more to do with the minority that want more slow paced and tactical gameplay like how WW2 was in the past (for most of the time, minus large events such as D-Day) – speaking of which, this moves onto my final point.

bf1 trailer.PNG

3.Historical accuracy – Women shouldn’t fight at this time?!

Even in battlefield 1(bf1) there was a minority of the battlefield community who did not take fondly to players being able to pick women on the battlefield due to loss of historic accuracy. And now this argument has been amplified with more people becoming distressed about it. Some people even say that the political correctness of EA is poisoning the new game at the start.

For some context, Women did fight in WW2, but not in the front lines and more as small resistance groups, predominantly in countries such as France who were being haunted by German occupation.

bf 6.jpg

Well, my point is, am I really going to care about what kind of political stance the developers have? And will I really care about if I kill a man or woman in the game? Probably not – I just want to enjoy the action and strategy of bf5 just like with every battlefield I have played.

Plus, we could say that enabling women on the frontlines improve customisability as the developers give more freedom!


So overall, do I like the game? Yes I do, I'm really excited for its release! EA has promised free DLCs as well as no loot boxes (Really sketchy EA!) and many other features like towing vehicles, movement capabilities like crouch sprinting and sliding and improved physics really encourages me to play battlefield this year! Whilst I do believe that the trailer and reveal could’ve been far better executed, like the typical saying goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover” and so I’m hoping that the game will be fantastic with the new systems and mechanics

What are your opinions of the game? Will you be buying battlefield this year? Let me know in the comments and be sure to upvote this post for more voiced content – I hope to continue releasing videos as well as written blogs!

Thank you so much for tuning in – This is Riyad/Rags Signing out!

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(The angry tweets i just looked around the battlefield profile page XD!)

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