I found myself among the Top 1% of Steem Users - mysteemitfriends.online Tools

I recently discovered this steem blockchain explorer: http://mysteemitfriends.online/

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You can do a variety of analysis over your account and explore for instance your top contributors, upvoters, steemians you talk most with etc. pretty neat!

What's also interesting is the Rankings function. You can type in your account name and check how high you rank compared to all other steemians.

There are currently in total 775059 user accounts on steemit (you can go to the "playingwithbots" channel in PAL discord channel and type ?users if you want to get the most recent number). Here is how my account compares to them:

Reputation: 58.75. Rank 4147 (Top 0.5%)

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Here are the top 20 Steemians according to reputation

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Steem Power: 1261. Rank 4651 (Top 0.6%)

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Here are the top 20 Steemians according to Steem Power

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Estimated Account Value: 2977. Rank 7708 (Top 1%)

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Here are the top 20 Steemians according to account value

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-24 um 21.13.17.png

Hope you like this information. Data is beautiful. And feel free to try it yourself :-) More of these tools please!

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