Rantings of the rusty mind...a peek into life today, and reminiscing of what was

I spent a long time today thinking about what to write. Your brain really does get rusty when you stop using it for a while I guess. There was once a time when writing, for me, was almost like a reflex. All I had to do was feel like writing, and ta da !!! my brain was flooded with ideas. But that was ages ago. Maybe I'm suffering from writers' block. Or maybe there is just so much piled up to write about that I am finding it difficult to find a starting point.

The last time I wrote a blogpost was at least four or five years ago. Although I did maintain my journal for quite some time afterwards as well, but eventually gave up on that too. Not because I had grown tired of writing or run out of things to write. In the time since then, so much has changed. It feels like the life I was living then and the one I am living now are not even remotely connected to each other. How else can you explain the transformation from an ambitious, overzealous, career driven, yet rather immature person to an optimistic housewife, whose world revolves around her family- the one she left when she moved to a new country, the one she has now, and the one that is soon to come. It is funny how one's priorities can change so drastically in such a short period of time. I would, however, be lying to myself if I said I don't miss anything about the way I used to be.
Where do I begin?

My steemit journey is just starting. Before this post, all I have written is a brief introduction. It seemed very appropriate when I posted it. But now that I read it again, it felt very hasty and inadequate. I therefore thought of writing more about myself. It is, after all, one of the few things I enjoy writing about. Not that I am a narcissistic person. Quite the contrary, in fact. I just find that writing is a form of self reflection, and helps you connect with yourself better.

I never really wanted to be a doctor. Ok, maybe sometimes I did- the same way a lot of children want to do a lot of things when they grow up. But that was about as passionate as I ever got about a career in medicine. Yet, somehow, I ended up in medical school. How? that is a long story for another day. However, if I said that my disinterest in the profession continues to this day, I would be lying. By the end of medical school, I was in love with what I was doing. It was an exciting time, full of opportunities, plans and prospects. I was certain of so many things. In retrospect, perhaps it is more funny than sad, since literally none of the things I was so certain of actually happened. Where I have ended up instead, I could never have imagined.

As I write this post, I feel like it would end up turning into a sort of a biography. I can see myself dragging this on and on. It almost feels as if my fingers are slowly beginning to take control of the words again, and the rusty neural connections are re-awakening. I do realise it is all words and no pictures. Sadly, I don't have anything appropriate enough to fit in so far, and owing to ill health, I barely ever go out and take pictures anymore. Which reminds me, at one point in my life, I was certain that I would become an amazing freelance photographer. Sadly, that dream was never realised. Whenever I think of these unrealised dreams, however, I keep telling myself it is never too late to learn new things. As long as you are alive and motivated, you can always try to realise your dreams. Unless, of course, you believe in the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". Even if I was to believe that, though, I am far from being "old " in my view at least.

Anyhow, I would love to write heaps and piles about my journey from a doctor of medicine to a wife to a mother. I am actually beginning to feel a little less depressed today. Writing is, after all, a form of therapy. I hope next time iI can make it more visually appealing too though...my sincerest apologies for the plain and boring text in this one, and the absolute lack of pictures. I am, after all, in the learning phase- a toddler in the Steemit universe. Or is there a marine name for people like me? I know there are dolphins and whales here. What does that make me? Please do share your views. I will, hopefully fingers crossed be a regular blogger once again now...

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