Supervision of firearms

Hello my frend stemian....How are you of course it's fine :D

Ok, I will explain about the laws that apply in the country of Indonesia in particular have firearms in Indonesia is not at random to own a firearm, which may use and have only Soldiers, Police, Guardians and security officers Bank. It also has a provision that must pass the Psychological exam test and after pass it will be issued a letter of recommendation and also a license card has a firearm, If found or caught by the Police for people who have firearms illegally then it will be processed by law that is sanctioned in the form of Emergency Law of Republic of Indonesia Number 15 Year 1951 with threat of capital punishment or life imprisonment or imprisonment as high as two twenty years.

Thus the State of Indonesia is very firm against those who violate the law especially has firearms due to the high cases of robbery by using firearms as well as the occurrence of rebellion in certain areas of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

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