Siblings by heart

There are reasons why you make your cousins as your bestfriends...
First is that you act more like siblings than cousins, and more like best friends than siblings. Gets? Its just like this, you treat each other as siblings, fight as brothers and sisters, and care like brothers and sisters, but you are more likely as bestfriends because you understands your ins and outs, you're supporting each other through the rise and fall, ups and downs.
Second, They lost grandparents when you did, got baby cousins when you did, dealt with one family crisis after another all at the same time you did. They were the ones there celebrating with you at your highs and mourning with you at your lows.
Third, You’re distant enough that if you didn’t want to spend so much time together, you wouldn’t have to. But you choose to, and that’s what’s most important about your relationship. And there are ceaseless mentions of inside jokes and old memories from the vacations you took to. image
They were your first best friends. The rare kind of friends who remain close to you for so many years. You once would speak about your weddings and children and jobs and careers and would talk about how the girls would be each other’s bridesmaids and your kids would play together all the time, and now that the time is slowly creeping up on you, you wish you could go back to just playing in your grandparent’s basement with your new holiday gifts. Because you’re more than just friends. You’re blood. The ties that bind you are deep, the pride and loyalty you have for your family fierce. A friend is someone who will be there for you when you call, a cousin is someone who will show up anyway because there’s food.

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