Steemit needs Advertisement System

What could be a better way to enhance Steemit's monetary system, and reward the users better, than to add an advertisement system to it. Yeah yeah, a lot of people hate ads, and want to keep Steemit ad free, but this is not efficient and believe me, we can make a lot more money and make the system more self-sustainable if we add advertisements, and it won't even be that annoying as you think.

First of all, I am not talking about popup ads, or annoying inline ads, I am talking only about a small 728x90 pixel banner ad that would be positioned below the article and between the comment section:

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The benefits are obvious:

  • More earnings to authors without applying extra inflationary pressure to Steem holders
  • The website is more self-sustainable, the owners don't need to power down anymore, so the inflation will be reduced further
  • Not annoying at all, and the benefits out-weight the drawbacks. Not to mention that we already have counter that counts the number of views/article
  • It could attract a lot of advertisers that would spent money here, thus further increasing this economy

The system can be setup an easy way:

  • 20% of the Ad revenue goes to the website and 80% goes to the authors, distributed by their % share of unique visitors that read their article, compared to the total unique visitors of the website.
  • The advertisers could pay in Steem, Steem Dollar or even Bitcoin, but by using Steem currencies, this would make them purchase it first, which would add demand to Steem and thus stabilizing the price and stopping it's downfall.
  • Of course this would need moderators who would approve ads manually, so that nasty ads could not be added.

Overall I think it would be a great idea. A 728x90 ad, is no big deal and it could considerably improve this economy!

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