We need power people to stop chem-teails

We Need PEOPLE POWER to Stop Chem-trails

Date:- April 22, 2018

✔️The Elite will continue with their plans to DUMB DOWN the people chemically with Chem-trails, Fluoridated water, and GMO foods, until all WILL to stop them has been sucked out of the masses, as they become stupefied. This kind of chemical assault on the WILL of the people is not yet global, and I think we can THANK GOD for that! If you lack clarity of mind, or find it difficult to concentrate or focus your attention, it may be the result of this chemical attack on YOU.

WAKE UP and see the BIG PICTURE of what TBC is all about.

✔️Thousands of TBCians do attend the weekly Send Button meetings, yet less than 100 of YOU have found YOUR VOICE. ALL TBCians should be doing a regular Live Broadcast to train YOUR VOICE! Only the VOICES of HUNDREDS of MILLIONS will bring an END to these CHEMICAL ATTACKS. WE THE PEOPLE must demand and declare PEACE; and Chem-trails over YOUR HEADS is NOT PEACE!


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