My Steemit Poem

Genuine UpVotes
In Steemit Land
Are the kind of votes
In high demand.

I get some memos
From other scribes
Trying to bait me
With upvote bribes…

They’ll announce to me
They upvoted-
My post. “Follow me!”
Duely noted.

They replied so fast
‘twas record time!
I just posted that
Cute, funny rhyme!

It makes me wonder
If they read it,
Or if they used their
Vote on Steemit…

To butter me up
To follow too-
How about asking
What I’m into?

I want genuine
Follows and votes
From those who really
Read by anecdotes.

I want to know that
My words helped out,
Brought laughter and smiles
To come about.

I want to hang out
In Steemit Land,
To follow freely
Without demand.

If it’s interesting,
Then I’ll read it,
And surely upvote
Here at Steemit.

I’ll follow what I
Like… So do you.
Let’s keep it honest,
And heart felt too.

It’s hard to start out
As a minnow
Hoping strangers will
Vote yes, not no.

You can feel bummed out
When your good post
Earns you sixteen cents
While others boast…

So don’t see the sum
As the sole goal.
Strive to bring some joy
To someone’s soul!

You can make some friends
With skill and wit.
So don’t be bummed out!
Welcome to Steemit!

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