What goes inside the Mind of a Middle-class Student!

What Goes Inside the Mind of a Middle-Class Student?

Disclaimer: You are about to go inside the mind palace of a middle-class young mind.

Here we go: There is an Illusion, it's like a soap bubble.

The only characteristics that differentiate this bubble from an Ordinary Bubble is that it Chooses a Specific Time in Life to Pop. Imagine this Bubble in your Head. Keep this Imagined bubble in your head until we come to the end of this Material. Just Walk with me in this Material, you will Understand everything in the end.   

There is a Family here. The Dad Has Worked Real Hard to get to the Financial Position in his Life where he can School his Children and feed them, his Wage is just about the amount to run through a month and not have the sufficient amount to save for building anything new, nor to afford any extravagance outside his tiny world of Four. You Might Be Wondering, isn't this the same old story? Well if you are in for a Treat, walk with me.

Let's Proceed.

Here Mom and Dad are from a Generation when the Internet was a Nameless guy floating around a Handful of Computers in a place situated in the Americas. The Dad has worked tirelessly and has reached this position. Now he has defined his success in life through the hardships and through the experiences he has gone through defining an Individual Perspective which is further defined by his Work Pattern, his work ethics and his habits in life. The Mom, on the other hand, was deprived of education and being Handed over to a Guy Who Seems to have a job to feed. She is by Definition a Housewife. She is by Definition a Person Who Cooks for the Family, washes clothes and does all the Household Chores. She isn't expected to Question the Dad of her Choices in Day-to-Day aspects of Life. She is expected to be inferior in front of the Dad. She is expected to listen to everything the Dad thinks relevant to him.

Now the Elder son is Confused, isn't the Mom held captive by the mind if not by ropes or if not kept starving in an old Dungeon. "Could being held Captive by the Mind for years be more painful than being held Captive Physically?" thinks the Elder Son. The Elder Son Sees that The Mom has very few wishes in life. When asked about her wishes, she replies that her children are her life and she wants them to study well and become someone great.   The Elder Son is careful in listening everything in great detail. He is Confused and looks at his younger brother who is cute as a panda, a toddler. He thinks, "So the way to greatness is only by studying?". He is very young, although "Elder" to his toddler brother.   

This gets trickier now.

The Mom was deprived of proper education. The Dad somehow made his way through hardships and tireless effort to Today. He Loves his Mom and Dad. After all, they have worked so much for growing their Children up. Well you must Respect and love your Parents Right? The Elder Son is in Dilemma. He loves Drawing Beautiful landscapes and he feels there is no Greater Creation than Picasso's "Monalisa". Well, I would disagree that Monalisa is the single greatest creation, but isn't that just Differences in Perspectives defined and moulded by one's Interest, Passion, and Talent.   

Well let's go back, let's rewind the tape and we will come back to this Discussion again.

The Mom was deprived of Education. She cannot understand the beauty of Starry Nights of Michael Angelo as she has no knowledge of art, she cannot appreciate the Skill of Programming of an Individual as she doesn't know what a "computer" is in the first place. Well now question your intellect folks, is it her fault?   The Author, I am, Surprised...... How can it be her Fault? She has never seen a Beautiful Painting. She has never seen a Computer. There was no Internet. She Never received Education, yet she is a loving, Caring and a selfless, sacrificing Mom. The Dad is expected to be the Hercules, the saviour, the earner of the Family. He has received very little education, coupled with turmoil and experiences to become what he today is. The Rewind tape ends here. Let’s get back to our Discussion.   The Elder Son is in a Great Dilemma. He is interested in Something else, he is interested in Art. He's Confused again.

"I cannot hurt them”, “I will be cruel to not live up to what they want me to be", The young mind is overthinking or perhaps is he correct in his own situation.  They are a middle-class Nuclear Family of four at a situation in time where the offspring has thoughts that challenge the expectations and realizations of the offspring bearers. There are clashes in their Dreams. There are differences in opinions and thoughts and concepts of living life. There is a question that bugs them. Live-life-to-earn-to-feed or live-life-to-experience-to-be-passionate and to be happy. The Dad and Mom know: Happiness is when you have money and there is only one way to earn bloody money, you must be academically Good. It is true.

BUT if you are in a Middle-class family, you still are a similar Human with passions, different strengths, and interests. But do these interests matter when you are a middle class or should you simply give up and take out your notebooks, to make Mom and dad happy? If the elder son blueprints out his life the way, the mom and dad want him to irrespective of his own Dreams and Passion. The Bubble that I asked you to imagine Transcends to the point when it is going to pop.

Once this Elder Son gets to this point in life when he has money, this is that grand distinctive point in life where it becomes a deception. He becomes an individual without passion and interest in life and he gradually starts to realize; he isn't happy and everything he was told was a lie. And the Bubble POPS!

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