What is your opinion about YOYOW ? YOYOW你怎么看?

yoyow is a Chinese based, steemit alternative, which will be soon ICO (planned at May 2017). Please feel free to review the white paper which can be downloaded at that site.

yoyow tries to solve some issues of steemit:

  1. Flow contribution.
  2. Most vote power by few stakeholders.
  3. regulation.

I want to start a discussion here, to pay some yoyos(yoyow token) to you for most serious opinion about yoyow. I am not a staff within yoyow, but I will be rewarded with 2000 yoyos as I write this post, and I will pay all of the 2000 yoyos to interesting replies with one condition: there are at least 20 direct replies of this post within 2 weeks.

Please reply this post with your opinion about yoyow , including but not limit to below subjects :

  1. do we need another blockchain based socia media, instead of doing a better steemit ? why ?
  2. what is the most serious issues of steemit such that if you start a platform like yoyow, you will consider to solve it in the first place ?

this discussion will stay on 2 weeks. please reply your opinions, plus your bitshares DEX acount. In 13:00 UTC April 18 2017, if this post get 20 direct replies, I will simply pay the authors of most upvoted 4 direct replies and the most useful reply in my opinion , each 400 yoyo.

yoyow 是中文的steemit替代品, 将于2017年5月ICO . 请到官网下载白皮书并查看。

  1. 流量贡献
  2. 投票权过于集中
  3. 法律/合规



  1. 我们需要另一个基于区块链的社交媒体吗?还是把 steemit做好就行? 为什么?
  2. steemit平台的最大问题是什么,假如你要做一个类似yoyow的平台,你最先想解决什么问题?


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