Don't Take Your Intellect too Serious!

Today I want to make a quick article talking about not taking the Intellect too serious. Since I see so many people becoming super attached to the intellect thinking that it is some magical tool that can solve anything in life. The first thing I want to make clear is that the Intellect is not the same as Intelligence.


This is a quick video I did to this Steemit article to discuss it a little bit in video form.

The intellect is a tool that is sharp and that can divide things to come up with interesting ideas. It's also mainly good for survival but it cannot know life. Since it wants to be sharp so it can divide things more and more. It wants to cut down a beautiful flower into 1 thousand pieces to research the parts but now the flower no longer exist. The flaw with the Intellect is how it always wants to divide more. And many that fall in love and become attached to the Intellect will start to think that the Intellect will be able to solve any problem for them. They will start to believe that the Intellect can solve any world problem with enough divide and slice up. But life doesn't work in sliced up parts.


True Intelligence is what you have inside your body. That when you eat an apple it can transform that into a human body. The same Intelligence that when you are intense knows exactly what the right action is for the current moment. True intelligence observe something and then it knows exactly what to do. You can usually see when a person has started to use too much Intellect in their life since it can be very messy since they are busy divide and slice things up. If they would just allow their true Intelligence to shine a bit then it would clean up the mess the Intellect has created.

For me the Intellect is a very fun tool but I also know at the same time it's just a fun tool and not a magical solution that will fix issues in the world. I know the deeper beauty of life shines when I just observe things since it can be any object and if I look at it from different angles a longer time I always get new insights and perspectives. And it just naturally comes to me. I see people become super attached to the Intellect and it creates corruption in them since attachment to stuff is corruption since you start to judge particles differently. Instead of just interact with every particle the same way.


Some times I fall into the trap of letting my Intellect out on other people instead of letting out love on others. Love would be so much better since that is what people truly need more of not my Intellect speech. Since everyone is walking around busy thinking about their mind created story. When you let your true Intelligence flow the Intellect can rest and it's very obvious what you should do to interact with every moment perfectly.

The cool thing I find with smartphones is even though it has made us distracted away from the physical world at least we are paying attention to something in life. And the more you pay attention to something eventually it will yield. You can open up any door in the universe with enough attention. That means anything we want to happen on our phone we can make it happen. But it won't happen out in the external world. Since we pay not attention to the external world.

Things that bores me a lot these days is predictable stuff. Like people discussing everyday trying to speculate on the price of cryptocurrency. It bores me so much since I can already see how abundance is secured and that we are entering into the Era of: The Pointlessness of Money. But being attached is something that people love so they can create an ego identity out of that. So lots of Black and White thinking when it comes to speculation. Not only in the Crypto price section but also when it comes to the future.


For me it will be very interesting to see where the future is going if we will have more people engaging in intellectual discussion or if we instead will see more dumbed down stuff. Since it's a bit of a luxury to have time to engage in intellectual discussion. And in this new world every second you have can be worth value so perhaps there will be no market for intellectual discussions. Something I still think will happen is that humans will be interesting in other humans that are really authentic and unique. I think that personal brands will become the next big thing.

What people are realising is that they as a human is a brand walking around. And if you develop yourself into a very strong brand then everything you do can be worth something. Instead of promoting other peoples brand day in and out you can work on your own brand and make it stronger and make it appreciate in value everyday. With intellectual content I would love to see much of that ported to the Internet and the Blockchain. Since much of that knowledge is written in books and is currently sitting in some library unread. It needs to get in front of peoples faces so we can see if there is a market for it.


Many people that are artists and content creators many times they only focus on themselves and not their audience. In this new world you will have to find a mix so it's not only about yourself but about the community as well. You can test the waters a lot and see the feedback you are getting in return. I will keep try to post more intellectual stuff in the future since I really enjoy that field. But I want to feed people my worldview first to slowly warm them up for the good stuff. The good stuff is that will say the deeper content.

The blockchain allows me to be more myself. A deep guy and make money from that. Surface layer discussions bore me. Something that was very hard on YouTube for example was doing deep real stuff because there it's mostly about making as dumb content as possible and make as many people as possible click on it. The so called clickbait.

For me these days that is not stimulating enough. That is why I'm experimenting more with building a personal brand, writing and expressing a lot of my ideas out in the open. This was a bit short about the Intellect and some other thoughts I been having in my mind.

(Photos in this post comes from my Shutterstock Business account)

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