Steemit How-To: Don't Spam


Some friendly advice.


When you post essentially the same comment in everyone's post;

When all you have to say is "nice post," or even worse, "follow me,"

You are the junk email trying to sell people fake Viagra of the internet. You are the scammer calling people without computers and telling them you are from Microsoft and they have a virus. You are the pervert whistling at women on the street. No woman thinks you're sexy and wants to date you; they all think you're a sleazy pervert.

If you are a genuine person who is interested in doing well on Steemit, then I suggest you actually read the post you are commenting on, and SAY SOMETHING ABOUT IT. The actual subject of the post. Not just "good job." You aren't going to get upvoted for saying a generic "wow I like it" fifty times a day - especially making all those comments and not upvoting the people you expect to upvote you because you copy-pasted "nice job" 100 times. That doesn't deserve an upvote.

Think about it. When you were in school, and your teacher said, let's write an essay about this book, did you write "the book was good, please give me 100% grade!" No? Because the teacher would have failed you, right? You have to earn upvotes and follows with QUALITY CONTENT just like you have to earn good grades with QUALITY WORK. If you post "nice post, follow me," I will not follow you because your comment quality is bad so why would I want to see more bad posts?

And for those who blog 100% in a language that is not English, why do you go to English language posts and ask them to follow you? How would they read YOUR posts? Why don't you ask in posts in the language you blog in? Then they might follow you. I speak a little of many languages, but I blog in English. I don't go to a German language blog and say in my bad German, "follow me!" Do you think westerners are rich and so have bigger upvotes for you? Some of us English speakers don't have enough food or are homeless, first of all, but we're all the same on Steemit unless the rich person bought their power with money. In which case, they're not going to waste it on every scam artist who asks nicely. You can get a big audience and make lots of money from people who speak the language you blog in. And if you are writing in English and you're worried that your English isn't good, don't worry, that is not a problem. Just say if you don't understand a part or don't know how to say it, we'll understand. My French is terrible but I learn by practicing in French language forums online. You can practice English with us. But you have to actually say something, yeah?

Steemit is reciprocal. Make quality comments and upvote others, and you'll get upvotes. But the Whale Fairy isn't going to shit $100 on your blog if all you do is be selfish.

Thank you.

And if any of you spam this post with your shit comments, I will flag your ass. 😘

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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