Business Network Founding Update

I’m sorry I haven’t been able to edit a coherent nature documentary video yet, I’ve got so much material, it’s hard to choose what to include. But here’s a “teaser-trailer” picture. There’s a New Dawn coming. It’s the rise of steemit-based cryptocurrency businesses.

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As above so below. What does this mean? Each member of the organisation does the same thing the whole organisation does: tries to gain more upvotes, more followers, more viewers, more steemit-users, more crypto-users, more connections, more comments, more traffic, more steem, more steem-power, and more internet-presence overall. This is what the larger organisation is also trying to do. The larger organisation is represented by an organisational account. This organisational account will give upvotes/rewards strategically, to our biggest accounts, who have the most followers, upvoters, steempower, and so forth and so on. These will then give rewards to even lower level members of the organisation, who are all giving first of all upvotes, attention, comments, and advertisement for the organisational collective account, just like all the levels are. This way we’ll get an “electricity flow going between the + and the - poles of the battery. From the top (the collective account, the bigger accounts) to the bottom (the level 25 indians who use steemvoter to upvote our stuff, including the collective account which we all collectively boost, and use to gain more people to the organisation, of all levels. The bigger the better, since we want to build a collective to leverage our power. This way our network can at any time boost any post to the hot/trending section, and our general network will draw in more steem, and we’ll bring more and more people to steem from the outside as well, as well as to cryptos. This way the company/ network can grow into incredibly large one. Only the sky is the limit.

So what else does the network do? We produce content, we aim to produce high-quality content, but also high-quantity, because we are such a large network of content producers. This content will be on our personal accounts or our business accounts. These multiple accounts will enhance our over-all ecosystem, while making it slightly more complex. But these are all simply different revenue streams. We’ll have a revenue stream from Ethereum and Bitcoin through mining, then we’ll also have a revenue from several steemit accounts. Personal, private business, and collective business accounts, perhaps also various other collective/organisational accounts.

You see, in the steemit eco-system everybody is competing for the sunlight in order to grow. That sunlight is people’s attention, and people’s upvotes. Obviously the more and bigger steemit accounts you have giving you that attention and that upvote-reward, the more “plants” can grow bigger from their sunlight, if you understand? So the smallest accounts are fighting for just a little sunlight in the shade of the taller trees, or whales. That’s why we need for the whales to shine sunlight all the way down, thus helping the level 25 newbies and incomers, and they can do this by way of intermediaries, who are giving many upvotes in exchange for small/middle-sized rewards given to these dolphins, who then continue to give this energy they are getting to further down to promising new accounts, which are small, but if just given enough sunlight and water, could grow to become giant accounts. And the bigger the whole network grows, the more powerful it becomes! And our strategy is great because it will start to give exponential growth, because it will reach exponentially more people everywhere, as everybody is trying to gain as many connections as possible to join to the network.

But all of this is dependent on the actual content we’ll be producing. There, in the quality of our content is where the sheep are separated from the goats, and the wheat from the chaff. We aren’t just doing this for the money. We are doing this to save the world. We are doing this because it’s the right thing to do. In life we need to choose our words carefully, because they are limited. By not spamming, but producing something carefully thought out, something of high-quality, we will eventually draw in the attention of quality-people, even further expanding the value of our network.

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