Steemit and online begging

Online begging is a real thing, and I see forms of it appearing on steemit so I decided to share my views and ideas for those thinking of joining forces with other beggars in this space in the effort to get some beggar cheddar bro! Begging is often seen as a leech on the online economic infrastructure, however these people are creating posts that grab people's attention, and spark emotions such as pity, hate, envy, wonder, concern, sickness, laughter, and even the emotion of fear (no way dude). Emotions are priceless after all.

The benefits of begging on SteemIt are really staggering when you compare it to panhandling on the street. The game thoery of steemit already rewards members for posting content in the first place so there are a few pennies in the plastic cup already! Additionally, no need to step out of the cardboard box out into the cold and interact with thousands of heartless humans. Much better to just post content from a screen and let the gullible and generous internet leprechauns reward you for your begging efforts.

Begging online is not without its downsides. First off, you'll need access to an internet source so if you aren't making enough steady beggar cheddar to have a cellphone and post regularly on your begging blog you should think about going to the library or "borrowing"" Wifi from an unprotected source.

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