
Source: steemish

Have you ever wished that you got in on the ground floor. Imagine buying bitcoins for a dollar, google when it was cheap or joined steemit when it was small. If you bought bitcoin at $1, you would have earned 10,000% even after it's monumental fall. If you joined steemit when it was just a babe (so to say) you'd be a 'Whale'.

Well don't give up hope. There is a nascent platform coming into it's own, it has different features from steemit where you can PM individual members and other features different from steemit. Steemit is a well thought out platform and is very successful. You would assume that other platforms would arise from the successful idea, well you are correct. Steemthat began as a voting bot but has since matured into a parallel platform to steemit. It is not a rival but a partner in assisting minnow grow.

It's evolving rapidly with the introduction of steemish and the founders are working to create a platform to augment steemit. It allows post to get better exposure hence the probability of other members viewing it will increase. With steemit, the increased exposure is handled through minnow bots. I am not criticizing bot, as the have an useful purpose, but isn't the main purpose of the site to promote well thought out content. I really do understand that exposure is relevant thus the purpose of bots. Enough said.

People do drive the content and what is posted is worthy of exposure without the need to pay for it. As the adage says, 'Cream rises to the top'. Check out what they are creating at It will amaze you.

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