Steemit Now vs One Year Ago

Last Year on Steemit

A bit over a year ago, I discovered Steemit, and tried it for a few months. Unfortunately the results were a bit discouraging. Posts earned next to nothing (occasionally it was actually exactly nothing), and my vote was worth nearly nothing too - in spite of having invested in some Steem Power. As I wrote at the time, I just wanted my vote to cause a visible uptick, i.e. be worth at least 1 cent.

The situation at the time was that only a handful of people had votes that actually mattered. I remember seeing posts with around a hundred votes even failing to scrape a Dollar together, while others, seemingly random posts that weren't any better, made it big because a whale had upvoted them.

It all seemed rather pointless, more like a lottery, where a whale vote meant winning the lottery. I kind of lost interest and moved on to other things.

Returning to Steemit

But after many months of inactivity, I recently returned to check Steemit out again.

Thankfully things appear to have changed mostly for the better. Changes to the way voting power is calculated for instance, made for many more Steemers with a meaningful vote, and hence more distribution of author rewards.

For me personally, while I craved a mere 1 cent vote last year, now my vote is worth around $1! Voting is suddenly a lot more meaningful.

Saturn V Take Off

Now my problem is finding some decent content to upvote, I don't have time to select the optimal 11 posts to upvote, but I try to find 3 or 4 each day.

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