Rivalry on Social Media: Steemit on the Rise?

This generation has been a witness on the rise and fall of internet pioneers and giants. The surge of new applications and websites that either offers a more user-friendly interface, multi capability features and/or setting new trends that people of this era will love to have has rivaled those who were industry players a long time ago.

Image source: brainask.com

With the sudden surge of crypto currency value, especially the bitcoin, and the echoing uproar of Steemit, it will be an exciting era of revolution in the world of social media platform. Analysts are projecting that Steemit will rival Facebook as it has introduced new ways on how users will feel relevant and inclusive with the use of cryptocurrency.

Let us take a closer look on the fate of some internet pioneers and once giants.

Facebook and Twitter has dominated the social networking behind online connections but they have to give credits to Friendster, the social network that paved the way and contributed many of the key concepts and was once the giant on this platform.

Yahoo remains one of the magnets on the web with about 600 million people a month who visit the site but like AOL, that other dinosaur of the first era of the internet, Yahoo has been left flat-footed as Google and Facebook emerged as the next generation of online leaders. "They are not going to beat Google in search, or Facebook for the social network," says Dan Olds, analyst at Gabriel Consulting. "They will continue to get ads because of their size, but if they are not seen as relevant – and they are not – the quality of those ads and the price paid will fall. In today's environment, companies that are not seen as relevant are dead."

In a broader sense, Steemit has the capability to gain grounds on the once controlled platforms of the existing internet giants so long as it will keep its competitive advantage. For in a world where change is inevitable and bright ideas are like mushrooms sprawling everywhere, only time can tell whether Steemit will be Facebook’s ultimate rival!

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