Help Us Win this Battle - Seeking for your Help Steemians

Steemians, we are here to seek your help. My wife's auntie is in the hospital right now and on a critical situation. I know, we as a Steemian have a big heart and always ready to help.





This is Mary, a loving mother of 5. She was diagnosed with MDS - Myelodysplastic Syndrome which is commonly known as pre-leukemia. Wherein, her body isn't creating healthy blood to go through her whole body. She's been confined for few months and she needs continuous blood transfusions.

Her sickness brought a lot of complications in her body like pneumonia and a fever wich usually have a temperature of as high as 39°C. Her medications are around $500 daily. The family's financial resources are dwindling and will run out soon. They need help to support her medication.

Daily medications includes:

  • 3 doses IV Antibiotics
  • 3x IV Antifungal
    -Continuous drip of Norepinephrine and Potassium Chloride
  • IV Albumin
  • Parenteral Nutrition Infusion
  • IV Paracetamol for fevers
  • Blood and Platelet Transfusions
    And many more...

Fellow Steemians, we are seeking your BIG help.
Your upvote, resteem and prayers are more appreciated at this times of suffering.

Remember,"Your upvote will not cost you any amount of money BUT can help as many from family to a community"

Note - All of the proceeds of this post will be donated to the family.

You can also visit this site which was made by one of her children for those who are willing to donate:

If you are having problems with donating in, this is one of her daughter's BDO Bank Account:
Account number - 001570201100
Account Name - Niña Joanna A. Lim.

Thank you for all the people who have donated blood and offered donations..

Godbless to all.

Photo source -

I would like to thank @bobiecayao as my leader ang @iwrite for giving me support to Steemunity affiliate of Steemit Diversify



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