August 7th Lunar Eclipse and how it affects the chart of fellow Steemian, @flauwy

A chart analysis for @flauwy


Today's Lunar Eclipse falls at 15 degrees of Aquarius

Falls in @flauwy's chart in his 5th house of adventure, children and lovers. The 5th house is naturally ruled by Leo and the Sun. And the Sun is where we shine, where we creatively express ourselves, where we let our child and lover of life run and play and express itself. Aaaww, to have the awe and playfulness, adventurousness, and innocence of a child. And this is the 5th house.

A full Moon is a climax, and culmination, and a release

The modern day ruler of this full moon in Aquarius is Uranus, and he is stationary Retrograde in Aries at the time of this eclipse. Uranus amplifies the call to make a radical break from old patterns or traditions.
Uranus and Aquarius as us to ask ourselves: What has become stale and needs a new approach? What ideas and insights am I receiving that are pointing me in that direction?
Being in his 5th house, @flauwy can ask himself where has he lost his child-like, playful nature. Where can he re-kindle that flame of adventure and playfulness? Where can he take risks and be creative.

Uranus transiting @flauwy's 8th house

The 8th house is other people's resources, as well as those things out of our control. Like other peoples thoughts, feelings, and actions. Like death and taxes (yep, things out of our control.) Yet things that represent some form of Power and or Powerlessness. If we take the cryptocurrency world in general, it represents Power, as well as things that are beyond our direct control. We have to invest and trust in something that is beyond our control, yet something that represents something of power that we want to become or obtain.
For @flauwy he is using resources (in crypto markets that are out of his control), in an adventurous and innovative way, to create power and resources and security for himself and his family (5th house). This eclipse asks him to step out of the known and take a risk. This is scary for @flauwy as it is opposite his natal Pluto as well as his Sun/Moon balsamic conjunction (although out of orb) very significant here. As Pluto in the second house is akin to the frog in the well. The fog feels safe in it's well, and the world according to the frog is what he can see from his well. The frog needs to get thrown out of his well (or become courageous enough to jump out of his well) in order to know the real world out there.
It's not an easy place to jump out the known and familiar and into the unknown.

The eclipse point, and @flauwy's south node

The south node of the moon is a karmic point in the chart. It is more complicated than that, but for the scope of this post, we will just leave it there, without explaining it's mathematical calculations. Instead we explain it's significance and how it defines our sense of security, what we fall back on, the known, the "tried and true." The south node of the moon, by house and sign tells us about how the native has achieved his intentions in the past lives. We many times get stuck in our south node as, who likes to go to the unknown. It's risky business the unknown. And with the presence of the south node conjunct the eclipse in his chart, @flauwy has to look as some of his fears of leaving the daily known and moving to a more unsecure, unknown position of the 12th house which represents the real unknown, or in other words, the house of undoing. Sometimes we have to let go of everything known and secure to become what it is we want to evolve.
Think of the caterpillar that turns itself to complete liquid in order to transmute itself into a butterfly. This is a release of all that is known and a faith of what can become. It takes a lot of courage and trust to allow for such a transmutation.
Although this eclipse is not exact on his south node, it is within orb of his south node and opposite his north node, which is his karmic destination in this lifetime. So the eclipse is asking @flauwy to let go of what no longer serves him in becoming a butterfly; to risk it all, and to transmute himself. This takes courage, as he has responsibilities, and a family.

The opposite of the 5th house is the 11th house

The 11th house of associations and professional alignments. And we can see that in the 2 months plus that @flauwy has been a member of the Steemit platform he has excelled. He actually started after me and has made i think 100% more money than me. But he has very much applied himself to basically making Steemit a full time job for himself. It is commendable, and I am somewhat jealous as I have barely racked up $100 in value and @flauwy is over $1000. Pretty damn good, without any cash investment.
And this eclipse is asking @flauwy to jump (like a good fog!) far and wide, and to become an expert and a leader in this platform and the cryptocurrency world in general. To leave behind that "known" and move into the unknown. And this will catapult him into a complete metamorphosis with the next eclipse, too. (But more about that in a week or so.)

If you would like me to tell you where this lunar eclipse is affecting you personally

Send your time, date, and place of birth to and transfer 2 sbd to @organiccacao. I will email you back your chart as well as tell you where this eclipse affects your chart. If you would like a complete reading, send 60 sbd to @organiccacao and I will send you your chart and schedule a video call reading for you.

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Be fearless ~ Choose LOVE

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