New Media Platform, where Good Authors get Good Reward for Good Content. [Let's create it together!]

Guys, I want to announce that I'm looking for like-minded people who are tired of the strange money distribution system in Steemit.

I have developed algorithms that will allow good authors to get a good reward for good content. I don't want to disclose these algorithms here, but I am ready to discuss it with anyone who wants to create a fair and beautiful media platform.

Who of you have heard of the turquoise company?

For example about Valve? After all, I'm sure many of you are using Steam. Perhaps one of you has heard about the Spiral Dynamics. The theme of turquoise companies and Spiral Dynamics are about organizational psychology and HR. Although in general, it's just about people and their attitude.

Well, if you haven't heard anything about it, I'll say a few words here. When a person realizes what he deeply wants, he discovers an incredible power. To realize your deepest needs and interests is a great achievement. After all, most people live in automatic mode, as programmed biorobots. They were told what they need to eat, how to sleep, where and what to learn, how to communicate, how to create a family, where to work, where to relax, how to dress and so on. And they don't feel like they really like this way of life. Do they really want it all with their soul?..

In most cases, their deep nature wants a completely different way of life. But being cut off from their feelings, they don't find it. They just do not feel the inner resistance that comes from the soul. The soul doesn't want to live that way. The soul wants to live differently, to communicate differently, to dress differently, to see and hear other sounds, other music, other speech.

What's in your heart?

The soul is the source of life force. Source of inspiration. This is the basis of life. Its support. Therefore, if the soul is heavy, if the soul is "closed", if the heart is in pain, cold and emptiness, a person can not be healthy, successful and happy. And he can't be a Creator. He can't work hard and create brilliant things. So in whatever company he came, no matter what work he did, all he will get bad.

Turquoise approach is when the soul, the feelings of a person are put in the first place.

When the deep feelings of everyone are important, the deep interests, when a person is not considered as a function or as a robot, but he remains a man. There are no positions or hierarchies. After all, people have not united to become cogs in a big mechanism. They teamed up to keep people. And more. To become more human, more feeling, more alive, more creative.

I'm creating a team, a community where the feelings of a person, his soul - in the first place. 

I'm looking for everyone who doesn't want to be a function or a cog. I am looking for those who want to create beautiful and useful things for people, for humanity. I am looking for those who know how to dream and dreams to realize their ideas.

Dear human, dear dreamer, in whom still lives the child, which still feels the soul! I'm looking for you! You're not alone! I'm just like you! I also do not want to be part of a soulless system, which was built by some soulless creatures, for some strange reason calling themselves "people". Together we can do more. Therefore, I urge everyone who feels life and creativity, who believes in the best, who craves freedom and self-realization, please respond! I have a lot of ideas that may be interesting to you! I am sure you have even more ideas that will be interesting to me! Let's unite! Let's unite and create something great and beautiful! After all, this is our nature, our purpose - to create something amazing and pleasing to the soul!

Money is a very important part of the creative process. 

Money is energy, a means to help realize the idea. So, all concerned people with money, I appeal to you! Please, if you want to be a part of the new community, new team, new amazing projects, please, respond! I need you! We need you! Let's combine our resources, our skills, our talents and ideas! Let us unite all the human that is in us. After all, our weakness is in the disunity. We can not be realized, because each of us individually just does not have something. Someone has no ideas, someone has no required skills, someone has no resources.

New Media Platform, where good authors get a good reward for good content.

The first project that I personally really want to do is an analogue of Steemit. It is a media platform and social network where good authors get a good reward for good content. But not like in Steemit. I've written about it more than once. The problem with Steemit is that the platform does not know how to find and maintain really interesting content. It was from the very beginning. Already then thousands of bucks received for the obvious trash, and for good articles many received cents.

I have developed algorithms to automate the process of content evaluation. Editors will evaluate the new content. The whole process will be automated. Both authors and editors will receive points for their work, due to which they will become co-owners of the entire platform. All profits from the platform will be distributed among its co-owners. That is, you do not need to chase the whales in the hope to beg for a little attention. And all participants, the creators of the platform will receive income even when they do not publish content, if they have already invested in the platform in one form or another.

Because everyone who has invested in the platform becomes its co-owner, who gets a share of the profits.

Many of us, those on the Steemit platform that were trying to publish content, were disappointed. Because even when we were publishing something awesome, we didn't get paid. And that stopped us from going on. In the platform, which I invented, this will not happen. There each article will be evaluated by editors, nothing will go unnoticed.

Let's create this platform for ourselves! After all, I understand that we all need money, we need this social energy to live, realize our dreams and be free. And to get money, you need to create something valuable and attract people's attention. So let's do it together!

All, whom my message not left indifferent, who wants to join team dreamers and creators, am asking write me on e-mail - or telegram @captainpryanik

Our DISCORD server -

Write about yourself, your ideas, skills and resources. About what you want to do, what you know, and whether you can help with money.

I will be sincerely glad to each response! Love you all, guys!

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