Steemvention #1 - Your Help Is Needed!

I will talk about why I need your help in a second, first I want to welcome you to:

Steemvention #1!

You might ask yourself, what the heck is Steemvention? Well it’s a series where I highlight a challenge that (I think) Steemit is facing and then present an idea of how I think we might be able to address the issue. Of course I would love to see you join the conversation in the comments below! So lets invent something awesome...

Today's Topic: Steempower

Steempower allows you to “Tipp” people for creating great, valuable content. Proportional to how often you use it on a daily basis, your effective Steempower devalues. This is already great since it sort of limits the usage us Steempower, yet it’s still infinite, as it recharges over time. Potentially leading to Steempower being used to easily?

Does the current Steempower model go far enough?

Picture this, you see a street musician, he is super talented and you want to support him. So you give him 5$. This 5$ goes out of your pocket into his pocket. Before you gave him the money, you decided that you love his music and you want to support him. You know that whatever you give him, you will no longer have. But it doesn’t feel like a loss to you because A) you received great music and B) you helped him.

Could we apply such a model to Steemit?

Envision today's Steempower as a container, the more Steem you invest into that container the more capacity it has (so far not much new here). 

Increasing the size of the container doesn’t fill it with power though. It can only be filled by getting it from other people through engaging with your content. Now that Steempower is a truly scarce resource people will not give it away easily. People are forced to create valuable content for their fellow members.

Now when somebody votes, the container size remains the same, yet it contains less and less Steem, as the Steempower is literally going from one user to another.

Now it’s your turn, do you think Steempower is great the way it is, or does it need major overhaul?

If you like my content make sure to leave a Comment, Vote or follow me at @oliver.rivers, I appreciate you being here.

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