Appropriate title unknown.

As some of you have noticed, I've been absent from steemit for a while. Some of you also know my daughter was in the hospital. What you don't know is why.

I really have no idea where to begin with this so I'm just going to start rambling. I hope it makes sense.

She is 15 years old, perfect grades, lots of friends and a bit of a class clown. I have almost never had to discipline her and from a young age she had a level of understanding on par with most adults. At 5 her vocabulary exceeded her teachers. I have always been able to talk to her as if she WAS an adult. Never dumbed down anything or fib to convince her to get needles or anything, just explain why and she was good.

My perfect, happy, beautiful daughter made a meal out of half a bottle of antidepressants...

We woke up in the morning to panicked text messages from her friends who were concerned... I can assure you, without a doubt, that nothing can prepare a parent for that feeling or how to react upon finding your child in that state.

There is no comparison for the guilt you will feel or the thoughts that go through your head. You will find yourself analyzing every single thing you have ever said to her, every action, or comment, wondering if you somehow contributed to it.

After a lengthy hospital visit and numerous discussions with psychologists, councillors and doctors, we have found out some things about her past that neither my wife or I were aware of. And she had been dealing (unsuccessfully) for years with trying to cope with what she had been through.

She was afraid to come to us because her older brothers had absolutely put us through the wringer and she didn't want to add any more to our plate.

I don't want to make this too long but I feel it might enlighten someone.

Make sure the people in your life know that you love them. And talk to your kids, even if they don't want to.

She is going to be OK. But I dedinitely had the wind knocked out of my sails.


I'm not proof reading this or I might delete it.


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