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Life of Inhumanity

We all wake to see new shiny day; we are born
We have no idea of what will happen during and after the day; we hope no to die
Hmm, Life of inhumanity


People expect much from us
Despite we have neither money nor power like them
Some give us huge task which can never be accomplished by themselves
Still, they expect perfection from us
Such is life; life of inhuman



Singing and shouting "young shall grow"
Or wretched will rise and rich
Averagely, dreaming will come to pass
Life! When people at the top keep on aiming higher
They pray and work against the slave becoming king
Life of inhuman; such is life

Most people shine and fresh outer
Not knowing they are living with God's grace
They have no money despite their savings
Their achievements are very low because of their wide expenses
And no one show passion or care for fellow needs
Judging book by its cover always bring disappointment
Life of inhumanity


Where is the manner in appearance
When most people with whitish teeth cry because of suffering
While some laugh and rejoice despite their devilish handiworks
We are all living under the same sun but we've been separated by category and party
Well! Good and bad deeds are obvious; we all know the consequences
Life of inhumanity; full of suffering and smiling
Nevetheless; Humanity of human humanify humane


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