Done with Steemit...

Goodbye Steemit!

I am done here.

After finding out, through a series of posts, etc., what this site is all about and where it is headed, I had resolved to take a much-needed break from actively posting on the platform.

I've interacted with some truly incredible people here.

A short list brings up scientists, writers, artists, etc.

Awesome individuals. :)

However, the seedy underbelly of this operation is simply too distracting to ignore.

Upon logging in today, what do I find but multiple posts from people whose content I respect and whose words I admire have been flagged into the dirt by empty accounts with huge amounts of Steem.

The uber-censorship and faux-decentralization of this place has, at long last managed to disgust me.

I'll turn my attention elsewhere from now on.

If my hard-earned steem power makes it through the power-down period, I'll gladly chuck it in a trading account and call it a day.

Too bad this platform isn't all it is cracked up to be - just another plutocratic cesspool to step over in search of greener pastures.

I know, I know... I could stay and work harder at it, or as surfyogi mentioned "invest more" (lol, very accurate choice of words there guy), but why do that when investing more into my own businesses, etc. doesn't involve brown-nosing to a bunch of hypocrites AND gets me closer to my goals much faster?

In summation, this site is a gilded turd and I've no reason to put up with it. I hope all the awesome people here find happiness and success while all the hypocrites choke on their lies. :P

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