RE: RE: A Beginners Guide To Success on Steemit - 2.0!
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RE: A Beginners Guide To Success on Steemit - 2.0!

RE: A Beginners Guide To Success on Steemit - 2.0!

Next you should make a video explaining the benefits of pushing veteran content producers away by encouraging others to buy votes so those who've been here trying to make something of this place no longer have the visibility they worked hard to earn over the span of two years.

Make a video explaining what I should do next because I don't know. Should I, as a veteran, buy votes so my work can be seen instead of these new members you're trying to "help"? I have the money. Should I just push my way to the front of the line? Should I power down and leave, like so many before me? What's the next step? Now that I know I'll never have the chance to advance or have my work reach the top of the charts, where do I go from here?

If these people you're trying to "help" last two years producing content, then want to stop buying votes, will you be around to prepare them for what's next? Will you tell them, after putting in so much time, effort and debt into this platform, they must eventually start at the bottom someday and begin to face the challenges they could have already overcome within two years? They'll have to sit and watch their work get pushed down the list into oblivion simply because there's no way out of this mess you're setting them up for.

Should those who've been working hard for two years now feel hopeless?

I've made 23300 SP through curating and posting. One would think that's a sign of success, but since I didn't buy my way up, I guess it's not success? Just dumb luck? Worked my butt off to the point of physical burnout multiple times and I'm viewed as someone who simply won a lottery?

Many people know me or know of me. I don't see those who've had an opportunity to support my work at some point but didn't vote over the past two years having a sudden change of heart and begin supporting my work simply because I buy a vote or two. I don't see how that makes sense. If they weren't interested before, placing $100 beside my post won't help.

I don't expect everyone to enjoy my work; never did, never will. That's life, especially in my field. I prefer a genuine response. I don't really trust people if I have to pay them to be my friend, fan or follower. Maybe on the surface, if I was purchasing votes, I'd look like I'm having a great time and doing a good job; but inside I'd be a mess.

I can't turn actual art into advertisements and buy laughs if I feel like being funny. The arts and entertainment industry generates billions of views and dollars every year. We come here and can't even compete with a picture of corn on the cob? I still don't see how sacrificing those billions is wise. Music for instance; huge draw. There were hundreds of musicians here eager to perform. Look at Youtube trending page. There's always a music video. These independent artists here are just as talented. Instead of that gracing the front page, we have your advertisement, Joe. "How to get rich quick online in three easy steps" nonsense. The ad people skip so they can hear the music. The infomercial nobody watches at 3 am. That's success? Pushing talent away puts smiles on faces these days? I guess I need to get out more. I had no idea the world has come to this.

My biggest concern though isn't about me or the countless individuals being pushed out. It's those new members, the majority of them, who won't know those OTHER posts at the top have FAKE rewards. How they will feel as if they've failed because their post only made a buck. How they'll compare their effort to the lackluster effort we see in promoted posts and think, after all that work, they're still not good enough. Will they stick around long enough to find out the truth or will they give up after feeling defeated? I think about THOSE people, Joe. The ones you don't realize exist. That's what I meant in your last post when I said you're actually making it more difficult for people. That comment received around 50 organic votes. Do you know how rare that is?

P.S. Please don't respond with more of your sales pitch. I've heard enough.

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